I'm So Cool

You think yours snow white
You think your alright
To make a fool outta me
Am I a soft touch
But maybe not such
As I appear to be

I'm so high, I'm so high
If I fall I'm gonna die
I'm so cool, I'm so cool
I'm a genius not a fool

You think i'm groovy
So make a movie
Make a star out of me
I'm not a trap door
I'm not a trip wire
Get a load of me

I'm so high, I'm so high
If I fall I'm gonna die
I'm so cool, I'm so cool
I'm a genius not a fool

Mirror lyrics:

I'm a genius not a fool
I'm so cool, I'm so cool
If I fall I'm gonna die
I'm so high, I'm so high

Get a load of me
I'm not a trip wire
I'm not a trap door
Make a star out of me
So make a movie
You think i'm groovy

I'm a genius not a fool
I'm so cool, I'm so cool
If I fall I'm gonna die
I'm so high, I'm so high

As I appear to be
But maybe not such
Am I a soft touch
To make a fool outta me
You think your alright
You think yours snow white

Relevant Tags:
II'm SSo CCool 'm o ool 'Im oS oCol j'm zo fool jI'm zSo fCool Ij'm Szo Cfool 9'm wo xool 9I'm wSo xCool I9'm Swo Cxool l'm do vool
lI'm dSo vCool Il'm Sdo Cvool o'm eo dool oI'm eSo dCool Io'm Seo Cdool k'm xo Coool kI'm xSo Col Ik'm Sxo Cool 8'm ao Ckol 8I'm aSo Ckool
I8'm Sao Cokol u'm Soo C9ol uI'm S C9ool Iu'm So Co9ol I''m Sk C0ol Im Sko C0ool

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