Going Home

It's so late now
Where's that spark?
Help us out we're in the dark
Institute of correction
Point us in the right direction
I lost in a foreign land
Burning on the desert sand
We hitched a lift
On a camel train
Now we're heading for the rain
Wherever you go
We go a stray
Won't somebody show us the way
When the right road has been found
We will be homeward bound

Mirror lyrics:

We will be homeward bound
When the right road has been found
Won't somebody show us the way
We go a stray
Wherever you go
Now we're heading for the rain
On a camel train
We hitched a lift
Burning on the desert sand
I lost in a foreign land
Point us in the right direction
Institute of correction
Help us out we're in the dark
Where's that spark?
It's so late now

Relevant Tags:
GGoing HHome oing ome oGing oHme hoing jome hGoing jHome Ghoing Hjome yoing uome yGoing uHome Gyoing Huome boing nome bGoing nHome
Gboing Hnome voing bome vGoing bHome Gvoing Hbome foing gome fGoing gHome Gfoing Hgome toing yome tGoing yHome Gtoing Hyome Gooing Hoome
Ging Hme Giong Hmoe Gking Hkme Gkoing Hkome Goking Hokme G9ing H9me G9oing H9ome Go9ing Ho9me G0ing H0me G0oing H0ome Go0ing Ho0me
Gling Hlme Gloing Hlome Goling Holme Giing Hime Gioing Hiome Goiing Hoime Homme Gong Hoe Gonig Hoem Gojng Hoje Gojing Hojme
Goijng Homje Go9ng Hoke

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