Ac Dc
For Those About To Rock

We roll tonight [We're on tonight]
To the guitar bite
Yeah, yeah, oh

Stand up and be counted
For what you are about to receive
We are the dealers
We'll give you everything you need
Hail hail to the good times
'Cause rock has got the right of way
We ain't no legend, ain't no cause
We're just livin' for today

For those about to rock, we salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you

We rock at dawn on the front line
Like a bolt right out of the blue
The sky's alight with the guitar bite
Heads will roll and rock tonight

For those about to rock, we salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you (Yes we do)
For those about to rock, we salute you

Oooh, we salute!
Oooh, ooooh yeah

We're just a battery for hire with a guitar fire
Ready and aimed at you
Pick up your balls and load up your cannon
For a twenty-one gun salute

For those about to rock - fire!
We salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you
Those about to rock - fire!
We salute you
We salute you
We salute you
Come on, whooa
For those about to rock, we salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you

Shoot! Shoot!
Shoot! Shoot!

For Those who give, for those who take, for those on the line
And those on the make, we salute you!

We salute you!
We salute you!
We salute you!


Mirror lyrics:


We salute you!
We salute you!
We salute you!

And those on the make, we salute you!
For Those who give, for those who take, for those on the line

Shoot! Shoot!
Shoot! Shoot!

For those about to rock, we salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you
Come on, whooa
We salute you
We salute you
We salute you
Those about to rock - fire!
For those about to rock, we salute you
We salute you
For those about to rock - fire!

For a twenty-one gun salute
Pick up your balls and load up your cannon
Ready and aimed at you
We're just a battery for hire with a guitar fire

Oooh, ooooh yeah
Oooh, we salute!

For those about to rock, we salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you (Yes we do)
For those about to rock, we salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you

Heads will roll and rock tonight
The sky's alight with the guitar bite
Like a bolt right out of the blue
We rock at dawn on the front line

For those about to rock, we salute you
For those about to rock, we salute you

We're just livin' for today
We ain't no legend, ain't no cause
'Cause rock has got the right of way
Hail hail to the good times
We'll give you everything you need
We are the dealers
For what you are about to receive
Stand up and be counted

Yeah, yeah, oh
To the guitar bite
We roll tonight [We're on tonight]

Relevant Tags:
FFor TThose AAbout TTo RRock or hose bout o ock oFr hTose bAout oT oRck cor fhose zbout fo dock cFor fThose zAbout fTo dRock Fcor Tfhose Azbout Tfo Rdock
ror 5hose qbout 5o 4ock rFor 5Those qAbout 5To 4Rock Fror T5hose Aqbout T5o R4ock gor hhose sbout ho gock gFor hThose sAbout hTo gRock Fgor Thhose Asbout Tho Rgock
tor yhose wbout yo tock tFor yThose wAbout yTo tRock Ftor Tyhose Awbout Tyo Rtock vor 6hose xbout 6o 5ock vFor 6Those xAbout 6To 5Rock Fvor T6hose Axbout T6o R5ock
dor ghose Abbout go fock dFor gThose Aout gTo fRock Fdor Tghose Aobut Tgo Rfock Foor rhose Avout ro eock Fr rThose Avbout rTo eRock Fro Trhose Abvout Tro Reock
Fkr Agout Too Roock Fkor Tose Agbout T Rck Fokr Tohse Abgout To Rcok F9r Tjose Anout Tk Rkck F9or Tjhose Anbout Tko Rkock Fo9r Thjose Abnout Tok Rokck
F0r Tuose Ahout T9 R9ck F0or Tuhose Ahbout T9o R9ock Fo0r Thuose Abhout To9 Ro9ck Flr Tnose Aboout T0 R0ck Flor Tnhose Abut T0o R0ock Folr Thnose Abuot To0 Ro0ck
Fir Tbose Abkut Tl Rlck Fior Tbhose Abkout Tlo Rlock Foir Thbose Abokut Tol Rolck Forr Tgose Ab9ut Ti Rick Fo Ab9out Tio Riock For Thgose Abo9ut Toi Roick
Fod Tyose Ab0ut Rocck Fodr Ab0out Rok Ford Thyose Abo0ut Rokc Fo4 Thoose Ablut Rofk Fo4r Thse Ablout Rofck For4 Thsoe Abolut Rocfk
Fog Thkse Abiut Roxk Fogr Thkose Abiout Roxck Forg Thokse Aboiut Rocxk

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