Ac Dc
Beating Around The Bush

Smilin' face and laughin' eyes
But ya can't keep on tellin' me all those lies
How'd you expect me to believe
Honey I ain't that naive
Baby I got my eye on you
Cause you do all the things I want you to
Stop your cryin' and dry your tears
I ain't that wet behind the ears

You can throw me lefts, you can throw me rights
But where was you last night
Beatin' around the bush

Wish I knew what was on your mind
Why you bein' so unkind
Remember those nights we spent alone
Talkin' on the telephone
Thoughts of you goin' through my brain
You told me that you felt the same
You said that you loved me too
But tell me who was there with you

I was talkin' birds, and you was talkin' bees
And was he down on his knees
Beatin' around the bush

You're the meanest woman I've ever known
Sticks and stones won't break my bones
I know what you're looking for
You've eaten your cake you want some more
I'm gonna give you just a one more change
Try to save our romance
I've done everything I'm gonna do
The rest is up to you

And you can chew it up, you can spit it out
You can let it all hang out
Beatin' around the bush

And you can chew it up, you can spit it out
You can let it all hang out
Beatin' around the bush

Mirror lyrics:

Beatin' around the bush
You can let it all hang out
And you can chew it up, you can spit it out

Beatin' around the bush
You can let it all hang out
And you can chew it up, you can spit it out

The rest is up to you
I've done everything I'm gonna do
Try to save our romance
I'm gonna give you just a one more change
You've eaten your cake you want some more
I know what you're looking for
Sticks and stones won't break my bones
You're the meanest woman I've ever known

Beatin' around the bush
And was he down on his knees
I was talkin' birds, and you was talkin' bees

But tell me who was there with you
You said that you loved me too
You told me that you felt the same
Thoughts of you goin' through my brain
Talkin' on the telephone
Remember those nights we spent alone
Why you bein' so unkind
Wish I knew what was on your mind

Beatin' around the bush
But where was you last night
You can throw me lefts, you can throw me rights

I ain't that wet behind the ears
Stop your cryin' and dry your tears
Cause you do all the things I want you to
Baby I got my eye on you
Honey I ain't that naive
How'd you expect me to believe
But ya can't keep on tellin' me all those lies
Smilin' face and laughin' eyes

Relevant Tags:
BBeating AAround TThe BBush eating round he ush eBating rAound hTe uBsh veating zround fhe vush vBeating zAround fThe vBush Bveating Azround Tfhe Bvush
geating qround 5he gush gBeating qAround 5The gBush Bgeating Aqround T5he Bgush neating sround hhe nush nBeating sAround hThe nBush Bneating Asround Thhe Bnush
heating wround yhe hush hBeating wAround yThe hBush Bheating Awround Tyhe Bhush Beeating xround 6he Buush Bating xAround 6The Bsh Baeting Axround T6he Bsuh
Bsating Arround ghe Bhsh Bseating Aound gThe Besating Aorund Tghe Buhsh B3ating Adound rhe B7sh B3eating Adround rThe B7ush Be3ating Ardound Trhe Bu7sh
Bfating A4ound Bksh Bfeating A4round Te Bkush Befating Ar4ound Teh Buksh Brating Agound Tje Bish Breating Aground Tjhe Biush Berating Argound Thje Buish
B4ating Atound Tue B8sh B4eating Atround Tuhe B8ush Be4ating Artound Thue Bu8sh Bdating A5ound Tne Bjsh Bdeating A5round Tnhe Bjush Bedating Ar5ound Thne Bujsh
Bwating Afound Tbe Bysh Bweating Afround Tbhe Byush Bewating Arfound Thbe Buysh Beaating Aeound Tge Bussh Beting Aeround Buh Betaing Areound Thge Buhs
Bezting Aroound Tye Buzh Bezating Arund Buzsh Beazting Aruond Thye Buszh Beqting Arkund Thee Buwh Beqating Arkound Th Buwsh Beaqting Arokund The Buswh
Besting Ar9und Ths Budh Ar9ound Thse Budsh Beasting Aro9und Thes Busdh Bewting Ar0und Th3 Bueh Ar0ound Th3e Buesh Beawting Aro0und The3 Buseh
Bexting Arlund Thf Buxh Bexating Arlound Thfe Buxsh Beaxting Arolund Thef Busxh Beatting Ariund Thr Buah Beaing Ariound Thre Buash Beaitng Aroiund Ther Busah
Beafing Arouund Th4 Bushh Beafting Arond Th4e Bus Beatfing Aronud The4 Bush Bea5ing Arohnd Thd Busj Bea5ting Arohund Thde Busjh Beat5ing Arouhnd Thed Bushj
Beahing Aro7nd Thw Busu Beahting Aro7und Thwe Busuh

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