
Sea of uruk
I taste the salt of you
I hunt through sands of Roba El Khaliyeh

Dumuzi Apzu
Your allure is so very pure
Zi Dingir Anna Kanpa
You shall drown the fearless ones

The sword of Lapis Lazuli Diadem
Your fullness and strength is my delight

Edin Na Zu, Edin Na Zu

The stars have spoken to me
They've told me the tale of your past
Battles were clashed by you
Long before the cosmos existed
O' mountains of Mashu
Please help me to find the grey stone
I lost it, yet it's symbol unequals your race

I am in search of the Northern Nineveh;
it's beyond the hills of Zagros

I thrust my sword onto the veil, and then, in the Earth
Reversed lightning strikes Sumerian sands
They glance at me with eyes of Sunkun Varloorni
Their eyes flare red with glowing embers
Follow the path of gold and ye shall find the symbols:
Arra, Agga, and Bandar
In my sleeping village of Bet Durrabia,
Shabatu forces the nineteenth hour

Ye go to thy Apzu; the unsightly abyss of Enidu
Ye go to thy Apzu; the impious axis of Enidu

I have traveled beneth the seas
in search of our master's palace

I have finally found the grey stone
of the immemorial ones

I have raised my armies in the lands
of the eastern, summoning hordes
I have seen Ngga, God of Heathens,
as my sword Diadem gleams

The cosmos shall be greeted from the blood of thez serpent
A serpent well known as Tehom Mummu Tiamat
Man shall be greeted from the blood of Kingu
Thy queen of mashu will haunt the vision of your breed

O' my queen, I feel your skin of white,
I touch your breasts of life,
yet there's a battle I must fight

Zagros, Avagon, Ngga, Shabatu

Thy skin of white misses you
Please don't leave me ever, nevermore
Unless you go, please take me with you
We'll ride onto wings of Anzu

I heard the bellow of wolves behind the half-burnt waves
The tides of uruk swept your tongue across the salty floor

We have found the Apzu; our birthplace toward Avagon
We have found the Apzu; our meridian toward the dark

Munus Sigsigga
Ag Bara ye
Innin Aggish Xashxur
Gishnu urma


Mirror lyrics:


Gishnu urma
Innin Aggish Xashxur
Ag Bara ye
Munus Sigsigga

We have found the Apzu; our meridian toward the dark
We have found the Apzu; our birthplace toward Avagon

The tides of uruk swept your tongue across the salty floor
I heard the bellow of wolves behind the half-burnt waves

We'll ride onto wings of Anzu
Unless you go, please take me with you
Please don't leave me ever, nevermore
Thy skin of white misses you

Zagros, Avagon, Ngga, Shabatu

yet there's a battle I must fight
I touch your breasts of life,
O' my queen, I feel your skin of white,

Thy queen of mashu will haunt the vision of your breed
Man shall be greeted from the blood of Kingu
A serpent well known as Tehom Mummu Tiamat
The cosmos shall be greeted from the blood of thez serpent

as my sword Diadem gleams
I have seen Ngga, God of Heathens,
of the eastern, summoning hordes
I have raised my armies in the lands

of the immemorial ones
I have finally found the grey stone

in search of our master's palace
I have traveled beneth the seas

Ye go to thy Apzu; the impious axis of Enidu
Ye go to thy Apzu; the unsightly abyss of Enidu

Shabatu forces the nineteenth hour
In my sleeping village of Bet Durrabia,
Arra, Agga, and Bandar
Follow the path of gold and ye shall find the symbols:
Their eyes flare red with glowing embers
They glance at me with eyes of Sunkun Varloorni
Reversed lightning strikes Sumerian sands
I thrust my sword onto the veil, and then, in the Earth

it's beyond the hills of Zagros
I am in search of the Northern Nineveh;

I lost it, yet it's symbol unequals your race
Please help me to find the grey stone
O' mountains of Mashu
Long before the cosmos existed
Battles were clashed by you
They've told me the tale of your past
The stars have spoken to me

Edin Na Zu, Edin Na Zu

Your fullness and strength is my delight
The sword of Lapis Lazuli Diadem

You shall drown the fearless ones
Zi Dingir Anna Kanpa
Your allure is so very pure
Dumuzi Apzu

I hunt through sands of Roba El Khaliyeh
I taste the salt of you
Sea of uruk

Relevant Tags:
AApzu pzu pAzu zpzu zApzu Azpzu qpzu qApzu Aqpzu spzu sApzu
Aspzu wpzu wApzu Awpzu xpzu xApzu Axpzu Appzu Azu Azpu A0zu
A0pzu Ap0zu Alzu Alpzu Aplzu Aozu Aopzu Apozu Apzzu Apu Apuz

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