Ac Dc
Some Sin For Nuthin

Heroes, hard to find
Don't make the news till
they do time
Schemers turn the screw
They get the word and they
drop on you
Lay down the law black of
the night
Run up a score, the vice is
Dealers looking round, wheel
is turning round
Coming round on you

Some sin for gold
Some sin for shame
Some sin for cash
Some sin for gain
Some sin for wine
Some sin for pain
But I ain't gonna be the
Who's gonna have to sin for

(Now work that out)
Nero, evil mind
He was born way before his
Lead 'em down below
You got it right and away
you go
You gotta lay down the
rules, push up the price
Turn on the heat, put you on
Dealers looking round, wheel
is turning round
Coming round for you


(Give it to me)
Ain't gonna sin for nothing
Don't get nothing for
Ain't gonna sin for nothing
That don't make no sense

Mirror lyrics:

That don't make no sense
Ain't gonna sin for nothing
Don't get nothing for
Ain't gonna sin for nothing
(Give it to me)


Coming round for you
is turning round
Dealers looking round, wheel
Turn on the heat, put you on
rules, push up the price
You gotta lay down the
you go
You got it right and away
Lead 'em down below
He was born way before his
Nero, evil mind
(Now work that out)

Who's gonna have to sin for
But I ain't gonna be the
Some sin for pain
Some sin for wine
Some sin for gain
Some sin for cash
Some sin for shame
Some sin for gold

Coming round on you
is turning round
Dealers looking round, wheel
Run up a score, the vice is
the night
Lay down the law black of
drop on you
They get the word and they
Schemers turn the screw
they do time
Don't make the news till
Heroes, hard to find

Relevant Tags:
SSome SSin FFor NNuthin ome in or uthin oSme iSn oFr uNthin zome zin cor muthin zSome zSin cFor mNuthin Szome Szin Fcor Nmuthin
wome win ror huthin wSome wSin rFor hNuthin Swome Swin Fror Nhuthin dome din gor juthin dSome dSin gFor jNuthin Sdome Sdin Fgor Njuthin
eome ein tor buthin eSome eSin tFor bNuthin Seome Sein Ftor Nbuthin xome xin vor Nuuthin xSome xSin vFor Nthin Sxome Sxin Fvor Ntuhin
aome ain dor Nhthin aSome aSin dFor Saome Sain Fdor Nuhthin Soome Siin Foor N7thin Sme Sn Fr N7uthin Smoe Sni Fro Nu7thin
Skme Sjn Fkr Nkthin Skome Sjin Fkor Nkuthin Sokme Sijn Fokr Nukthin S9me S9n F9r Nithin S9ome S9in F9or Niuthin So9me Si9n Fo9r Nuithin
S0me Sln F0r N8thin S0ome Slin F0or N8uthin So0me Siln Fo0r Nu8thin Slme Son Flr Njthin Slome Soin Flor Solme Sion Folr Nujthin
Sime Skn Fir Nythin Siome Skin Fior Nyuthin Soime Sikn Foir Nuythin Somme S8n Forr Nutthin Soe S8in Fo Nuhin Soem Si8n For Nuhtin
Soje Sun Fod Nufhin Sojme Suin Fodr Nufthin Somje Siun Ford Nutfhin Soke Sinn Fo4 Nu5hin Si Fo4r Nu5thin Somke Sin For4 Nut5hin
Sone Sim Fog Nuhhin Sonme Simn Fogr Somne Sinm Forg Nuthhin Somee Sih Fot Nuyhin Som Sihn Fotr Some Sinh Fort Nutyhin
Soms Sij Fo5 Nu6hin Somse Fo5r Nu6thin Somes Sinj For5 Nut6hin

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