Absolute Kidz
Da Buzz How Could You Leave Me

How could you leave me?

Tell me, everything you wanna be
And tell me, everywhere you wanna go
Then say to me, when everything is fine
I'm waiting, you can see the fire
I'm waiting, never stop believing
You are taking, all my breath away

How could you leave me?
Now when you're gone
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
When you were here it was fine
How could you leave me?
Now when you're gone
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
Why can't you stay close to me
How could you leave me?

I'm sorry, I wish it could be over
I'm so sorry, if you wanna leave me
But I just can't understand the cause, no
I'm waiting, you can see the fire
I'm waiting, never stop believing
You are taking, all my breath away

How could you leave me?
Now when you're gone
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
When you were here it was fine
How could you leave me?
Now when you're gone
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
Why can't you stay close to me
How could you leave me?

Danger, I can't be without you
I'm in danger
I don't know how to make it
I'm hurt because
You're pouring out my heart

Now when you're gone
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
When you were here it was fine

How could you leave me?
Now when you're gone
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
When you were here it was fine
How could you leave me?
Now when you're gone
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
Why can't you stay close to me
How could you leave me?

How could you leave me?

Mirror lyrics:

How could you leave me?

How could you leave me?
Why can't you stay close to me
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
Now when you're gone
How could you leave me?
When you were here it was fine
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
Now when you're gone
How could you leave me?

When you were here it was fine
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
Now when you're gone

You're pouring out my heart
I'm hurt because
I don't know how to make it
I'm in danger
Danger, I can't be without you

How could you leave me?
Why can't you stay close to me
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
Now when you're gone
How could you leave me?
When you were here it was fine
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
Now when you're gone
How could you leave me?

You are taking, all my breath away
I'm waiting, never stop believing
I'm waiting, you can see the fire
But I just can't understand the cause, no
I'm so sorry, if you wanna leave me
I'm sorry, I wish it could be over

How could you leave me?
Why can't you stay close to me
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
Now when you're gone
How could you leave me?
When you were here it was fine
I look at myself, how could you leave me?
Now when you're gone
How could you leave me?

You are taking, all my breath away
I'm waiting, never stop believing
I'm waiting, you can see the fire
Then say to me, when everything is fine
And tell me, everywhere you wanna go
Tell me, everything you wanna be

How could you leave me?

Relevant Tags:
DDa BBuzz HHow CCould YYou LLeave MMe a uzz ow ould ou eave e aD uBzz oHw oCuld oYu eLave eM xa vuzz jow fould gou keave je xDa vBuzz jHow fCould gYou kLeave jMe
Dxa Bvuzz Hjow Cfould Ygou Lkeave Mje ea guzz uow xould hou oeave ke eDa gBuzz uHow xCould hYou oLeave kMe Dea Bguzz Huow Cxould Yhou Loeave Mke fa nuzz now vould 6ou peave ne
fDa nBuzz nHow vCould 6You pLeave nMe Dfa Bnuzz Hnow Cvould Y6ou Lpeave Mne ra huzz bow dould uou Leeave Mee rDa hBuzz bHow dCould uYou Lave M Dra Bhuzz Hbow Cdould Yuou Laeve Me
ca Buuzz gow Coould 7ou Lsave Ms cDa Bzz gHow Culd 7You Lseave Mse Dca Bzuz Hgow Cuold Y7ou Lesave Mes sa Bhzz yow Ckuld jou L3ave M3 sDa yHow Ckould jYou L3eave M3e
Dsa Buhzz Hyow Cokuld Yjou Le3ave Me3 Daa B7zz Hoow C9uld tou Lfave Mf D B7uzz Hw C9ould tYou Lfeave Mfe Da Bu7zz Hwo Co9uld Ytou Lefave Mef Dz Bkzz Hkw C0uld Yoou Lrave Mr
Dza Bkuzz Hkow C0ould Yu Lreave Mre Daz Bukzz Hokw Co0uld Yuo Lerave Mer Dq Bizz H9w Cluld Yku L4ave M4 Dqa Biuzz H9ow Clould Ykou L4eave M4e Daq Buizz Ho9w Coluld Yoku Le4ave Me4
Ds B8zz H0w Ciuld Y9u Ldave Md B8uzz H0ow Ciould Y9ou Ldeave Mde Das Bu8zz Ho0w Coiuld Yo9u Ledave Med Dw Bjzz Hlw Couuld Y0u Lwave Mw Dwa Bjuzz Hlow Cold Y0ou Lweave Mwe
Daw Bujzz Holw Colud Yo0u Lewave Mew Dx Byzz Hiw Cohld Ylu Leaave Byuzz Hiow Cohuld Ylou Leve Dax Buyzz Hoiw Couhld Yolu Levae Buzzz Howw Co7ld Yiu Lezve
Buz Ho Co7uld Yiou Lezave Buzz How Cou7ld Yoiu Leazve Buaz Hoa Cokld Youu Leqve Buazz Hoaw Yo Leqave Buzaz Howa Coukld You Leaqve

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