Absolute Kidz
Bosson One In A Million (the Mystica Mixes)

You're one in a million, oh, now
You're one in a million, oh

Sometimes love can hit you everyday
Sometimes you can fall for everyone you see
But only one can really make me stay
A sign from the sky said to me

You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
You're one in a million
Once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us

I've been looking for that special one
I've been searching for someone to give my love
And when I thought that all the hope was gone
A smile, there you were and I was gone

I always will remember how I felt that day
A feeling indescribable to me, yeah
I always knew there was an answer for my prayer
And you, you're the one, the one for me

You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us

You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
You're one in a million
Once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us

You're one in a million
You made me discover
You're one in a million
You made me discover

In the beginning I was cool and everything was possible
They tried to catch me but it was impossible
Nobody could hurt me, it was my game
Until I met you baby and you were the same

And when you didn't want me, I wanted you
Because the funny thing about it is I like the show
I like it when it's difficult I like it when it's hard
Then you know it's worth it, that you've found your heart

You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us

You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
You're one in a million
Once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us

You're one in a million, oh
You're one in a million

Mirror lyrics:

You're one in a million
You're one in a million, oh

One of the stars above us
You made me discover
Once in a lifetime
You're one in a million
One of the stars above us
You made me discover
You're once in a lifetime
You're one in a million

One of the stars above us
You made me discover
You're once in a lifetime
You're one in a million
One of the stars above us
You made me discover
You're once in a lifetime
You're one in a million

Then you know it's worth it, that you've found your heart
I like it when it's difficult I like it when it's hard
Because the funny thing about it is I like the show
And when you didn't want me, I wanted you

Until I met you baby and you were the same
Nobody could hurt me, it was my game
They tried to catch me but it was impossible
In the beginning I was cool and everything was possible

You made me discover
You're one in a million
You made me discover
You're one in a million

One of the stars above us
You made me discover
Once in a lifetime
You're one in a million
One of the stars above us
You made me discover
You're once in a lifetime
You're one in a million

One of the stars above us
You made me discover
You're once in a lifetime
You're one in a million
One of the stars above us
You made me discover
You're once in a lifetime
You're one in a million

And you, you're the one, the one for me
I always knew there was an answer for my prayer
A feeling indescribable to me, yeah
I always will remember how I felt that day

A smile, there you were and I was gone
And when I thought that all the hope was gone
I've been searching for someone to give my love
I've been looking for that special one

One of the stars above us
You made me discover
Once in a lifetime
You're one in a million
One of the stars above us
You made me discover
You're once in a lifetime
You're one in a million

A sign from the sky said to me
But only one can really make me stay
Sometimes you can fall for everyone you see
Sometimes love can hit you everyday

You're one in a million, oh
You're one in a million, oh, now

Relevant Tags:
BBosson OOne IIn AA MMillion ((the MMystica MMixes) osson ne n illion the ystica ixes) oBsson nOe nI A iMllion t(he yMstica iMxes)
vosson kne jn z jillion (tthe jystica jixes) vBosson kOne jIn zA jMillion (he jMystica jMixes) Bvosson Okne Ijn Az Mjillion (hte Mjystica Mjixes)
gosson 9ne 9n q killion (fhe kystica kixes) gBosson 9One 9In qA kMillion (fthe kMystica kMixes) Bgosson O9ne I9n Aq Mkillion (tfhe Mkystica Mkixes)
nosson 0ne ln s nillion (5he nystica nixes) nBosson 0One lIn sA nMillion (5the nMystica nMixes) Bnosson O0ne Iln As Mnillion (t5he Mnystica Mnixes)
hosson lne on w Miillion (hhe Myystica Miixes) hBosson lOne oIn wA Mllion (hthe Mstica Mxes) Bhosson Olne Ion Aw Mlilion (thhe Msytica Mxies)
Boosson ine kn x Mjllion (yhe Mgstica Mjxes) Bsson iOne kIn xA (ythe Mgystica Bsoson Oine Ikn Ax Mijllion (tyhe Mygstica Mijxes)
Bksson Onne 8n M9llion (6he Mhstica M9xes) Bkosson Oe 8In M9illion (6the Mhystica M9ixes) Boksson Oen I8n Mi9llion (t6he Myhstica Mi9xes)
B9sson Ome un Mlllion (ghe M6stica Mlxes) B9osson Omne uIn Mlillion (gthe M6ystica Mlixes) Bo9sson Onme Iun Milllion (tghe My6stica Milxes)
B0sson Ohe Inn Mollion (rhe Mustica Moxes) B0osson Ohne I Moillion (rthe Muystica Moixes) Bo0sson Onhe In Miollion (trhe Myustica Mioxes)
Blsson Oje Im Mkllion M7stica Mkxes) Blosson Ojne Imn (te M7ystica Bolsson Onje Inm Mikllion (teh My7stica Mikxes)
Bisson Obe Ih M8llion (tje Mjstica M8xes) Biosson Obne Ihn M8illion (tjhe M8ixes) Boisson Onbe Inh Mi8llion (thje Myjstica Mi8xes)
Bossson Onee Ij Mullion (tue Mtstica Muxes) Boson On Muillion (tuhe Mtystica Muixes) Bosson One Inj Miullion (thue Mytstica Miuxes)
Bozson Ons Ib (tne Mysstica Mixxes) Bozsson Onse Ibn Milion (tnhe Mytica Mies) Boszson Ones Inb Million (thne Mytsica Miexs)
Bowson On3 Miklion (tbe Myztica Mides) Bowsson On3e (tbhe Myzstica Midxes) Boswson One3 Milklion (thbe Mysztica Mixdes)
Bodson Onf Miolion (tge Mywtica Mizes) Bodsson Onfe Mywstica Mizxes) Bosdson Onef Milolion (thge Myswtica Mixzes)
Boeson Onr Miplion (tye Mydtica Mices) Boesson Onre Mipllion Mydstica Micxes) Boseson Oner Milplion (thye Mysdtica Mixces)
Boxson On4 (thee Myetica Mises) Boxsson On4e (th Myestica Misxes) Bosxson One4 Mililon (the Mysetica Mixses)
Boason Ond Milkion (ths Myxtica Mixees) Boasson Onde (thse Myxstica Mixs) Bosason Oned Millkion (thes Mysxtica Mixse)
Onw Miloion (th3 Myatica Mixss) Onwe (th3e Myastica Bososn Onew Milloion (the3 Mysatica Mixess)
Boszon Milpion (thf Mysttica Mix3s) (thfe Mysica Mix3es) Bosszon Millpion (thef Mysitca Mixe3s)
Boswon Milliion (thr Mysfica Mixfs) Millon (thre Mysftica Mixfes) Bosswon Milloin (ther Mystfica Mixefs)
Bosdon Milljon (th4 Mys5ica Mixrs) Milljion (th4e Mys5tica Mixres) Bossdon Millijon (the4 Myst5ica Mixers)
Boseon Mill9on (thd Myshica Mix4s) Mill9ion (thde Myshtica Mix4es)

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