Absolute Kidz
The Ark Calleth You, Cometh I

And I know we were both too young
Way back when we had our thing
And you're not the one that I think of
Everytime that the telephone rings
And I know that what we had
Would not be called love by the ones we know
And I know it's been many years
And a hundred love-affairs ago

I know all that so well
But I also do know this
Calleth you, cometh I
And that's just how it is
And how it's always been
It's where my reason stops
And something else comes in
I know it doesn't make sense, but still
Calleth you, cometh I
And that's how it is...

And I know we became restrained
Everytime we were among friends
And I know how it was last time
And how bitterly it always ends
And I know we were both too young
To know what real love would be like
And I know that our communication
Didn't always work out right

I know all that so well
But I also do know this
Calleth you, cometh I
And that's just how it is
And how it's always been
It's where my reason stops
And something else comes in
I know it doesn't make sense, but still
Calleth you, cometh I
And that's how it is...

And I've been waiting for this so long...
Waiting to sing this song, for you...
Calleth you, cometh I

And I've been waiting for this so long...
Waiting to sing this song, for you...
Calleth you, cometh I

Mirror lyrics:

Calleth you, cometh I
Waiting to sing this song, for you...
And I've been waiting for this so long...

Calleth you, cometh I
Waiting to sing this song, for you...
And I've been waiting for this so long...

And that's how it is...
Calleth you, cometh I
I know it doesn't make sense, but still
And something else comes in
It's where my reason stops
And how it's always been
And that's just how it is
Calleth you, cometh I
But I also do know this
I know all that so well

Didn't always work out right
And I know that our communication
To know what real love would be like
And I know we were both too young
And how bitterly it always ends
And I know how it was last time
Everytime we were among friends
And I know we became restrained

And that's how it is...
Calleth you, cometh I
I know it doesn't make sense, but still
And something else comes in
It's where my reason stops
And how it's always been
And that's just how it is
Calleth you, cometh I
But I also do know this
I know all that so well

And a hundred love-affairs ago
And I know it's been many years
Would not be called love by the ones we know
And I know that what we had
Everytime that the telephone rings
And you're not the one that I think of
Way back when we had our thing
And I know we were both too young

Relevant Tags:
TThe AArk CCalleth YYou, CCometh II he rk alleth ou, ometh hTe rAk aClleth oYu, oCmeth I fhe zrk falleth gou, fometh j fThe zArk fCalleth gYou, fCometh jI
Tfhe Azrk Cfalleth Ygou, Cfometh Ij 5he qrk xalleth hou, xometh 9 5The qArk xCalleth hYou, xCometh 9I T5he Aqrk Cxalleth Yhou, Cxometh I9 hhe srk valleth 6ou, vometh l
hThe sArk vCalleth 6You, vCometh lI Thhe Asrk Cvalleth Y6ou, Cvometh Il yhe wrk dalleth uou, dometh o yThe wArk dCalleth uYou, dCometh oI Tyhe Awrk Cdalleth Yuou, Cdometh Io
6he xrk Caalleth 7ou, Coometh k 6The xArk Clleth 7You, Cmeth kI T6he Axrk Claleth Y7ou, Cmoeth Ik ghe Arrk Czlleth jou, Ckmeth 8 gThe Ak Czalleth jYou, Ckometh 8I
Tghe Akr Cazlleth Yjou, Cokmeth I8 rhe Adk Cqlleth tou, C9meth u rThe Adrk Cqalleth tYou, C9ometh uI Trhe Ardk Caqlleth Ytou, Co9meth Iu A4k Cslleth Yoou, C0meth
Te A4rk Csalleth Yu, C0ometh Teh Ar4k Caslleth Yuo, Co0meth Tje Agk Cwlleth Yku, Clmeth Tjhe Agrk Cwalleth Ykou, Clometh Thje Argk Cawlleth Yoku, Colmeth
Tue Atk Cxlleth Y9u, Cimeth Tuhe Atrk Y9ou, Ciometh Thue Artk Caxlleth Yo9u, Coimeth Tne A5k Callleth Y0u, Commeth Tnhe A5rk Caleth Y0ou, Coeth
Thne Ar5k Calleth Yo0u, Coemth Tbe Afk Cakleth Ylu, Cojeth Tbhe Afrk Caklleth Ylou, Cojmeth Thbe Arfk Calkleth Yolu, Comjeth Tge Aek Caoleth Yiu, Coketh
Aerk Caolleth Yiou, Thge Arek Caloleth Yoiu, Comketh Tye Arkk Capleth Youu, Coneth Ar Caplleth Yo, Conmeth Thye Ark Calpleth Yo,u Comneth
Thee Arl Yoh, Comeeth Th Arlk Yohu, Comth The Arkl Calelth Youh, Comteh Ths Aro Calketh Yo7, Comsth Thse Arok Yo7u, Comseth
Thes Arko Callketh You7, Comesth Th3 Arm Caloeth Yok, Com3th Th3e Armk Com3eth The3 Arkm Calloeth Youk, Come3th Thf Arj Calpeth Yoi, Comfth
Thfe Arjk Comfeth Thef Arkj Callpeth Youi, Comefth

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