Echoes Of Sorrow

I await the blackened night. Pulled away from the

warmth of the light. Seized by that which dwells

inside of me. Cursed by loneliness and its nondesire.

Dark within these four walls. Lies a Sadness no one

shall bare. No one shall know, no one ever cares. To

understand or witness my fall. As a wolf among sheep I

have wandered. Wandered into an empty void of tears.

Withered in grief of memories once pride. Forever

echos and never to die. My heart still aches for an

eternal desire. Feed off my mind, bleed out my heart.

Darkness folds these icy walls. No one near me, no one

hears my calls. Waiting for the end but it always

comes back to me. To relive the suffering and

impurities. I am left alone to forever plunder. As

wolves among sheep I have wandered. Gazed into

darkness oblivion to its call. My mind starts to

wonder as darkness fall. I stand freely to embrace its

shell. Given to me this so called hell. In deep

thoughts never left to rest. Fall of tears the sins of

my past. A warm hand a mind to share. No forgiveness

no one cares. My mind is like a wasteland. Ever vast

and forever storms. I have wandered seems like

eternity. Filled with sadness and misery.

Mirror lyrics:

eternity. Filled with sadness and misery.

and forever storms. I have wandered seems like

no one cares. My mind is like a wasteland. Ever vast

my past. A warm hand a mind to share. No forgiveness

thoughts never left to rest. Fall of tears the sins of

shell. Given to me this so called hell. In deep

wonder as darkness fall. I stand freely to embrace its

darkness oblivion to its call. My mind starts to

wolves among sheep I have wandered. Gazed into

impurities. I am left alone to forever plunder. As

comes back to me. To relive the suffering and

hears my calls. Waiting for the end but it always

Darkness folds these icy walls. No one near me, no one

eternal desire. Feed off my mind, bleed out my heart.

echos and never to die. My heart still aches for an

Withered in grief of memories once pride. Forever

have wandered. Wandered into an empty void of tears.

understand or witness my fall. As a wolf among sheep I

shall bare. No one shall know, no one ever cares. To

Dark within these four walls. Lies a Sadness no one

inside of me. Cursed by loneliness and its nondesire.

warmth of the light. Seized by that which dwells

I await the blackened night. Pulled away from the

Relevant Tags:
EEchoes OOf SSorrow choes f orrow cEhoes fO oSrrow schoes kf zorrow sEchoes kOf zSorrow Eschoes Okf Szorrow 3choes 9f worrow
3Echoes 9Of wSorrow E3choes O9f Sworrow fchoes 0f dorrow fEchoes 0Of dSorrow Efchoes O0f Sdorrow rchoes lf eorrow rEchoes lOf eSorrow
Erchoes Olf Seorrow 4choes if xorrow 4Echoes iOf xSorrow E4choes Oif Sxorrow dchoes Off aorrow dEchoes O aSorrow Edchoes Of Saorrow
wchoes Oc Soorrow wEchoes Ocf Srrow Ewchoes Ofc Srorow Ecchoes Or Skrrow Ehoes Orf Skorrow Ehcoes Ofr Sokrrow Efhoes Og S9rrow
Ogf S9orrow Ecfhoes Ofg So9rrow Exhoes Ot S0rrow Exchoes Otf S0orrow Ecxhoes Oft So0rrow Evhoes Ov Slrrow Evchoes Ovf Slorrow
Ecvhoes Ofv Solrrow Edhoes Od Sirrow Odf Siorrow Ecdhoes Ofd Soirrow Echhoes Sorrrow Ecoes Sorow Ecohes Sorrow
Ecjoes Sodrow Ecjhoes Sodrrow Echjoes Sordrow Ecuoes So4row Ecuhoes So4rrow Echuoes Sor4row Ecnoes Sogrow
Ecnhoes Sogrrow Echnoes Sorgrow Ecboes Sotrow Ecbhoes Sotrrow Echboes Sortrow Ecgoes So5row Ecghoes So5rrow
Echgoes Sor5row Ecyoes Sofrow Ecyhoes Sofrrow Echyoes Sorfrow

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