Ablaze My Sorrow
Denial (the Way Of The Strong)

This is the way of my living
This is the choice of my life
Will I be weak and obey you?
No, I'll stand strong and be me

I deny - your god
And all that - he stands for
I can't - understand
How someone - can follow your pathetic lies

I spit on you and I spit on your god
I have chosen my way to live

You say that I shall love
I say that I shall hate

If Jesus made wine out of water
Then I'll make wolves out of sheep

Mirror lyrics:

Then I'll make wolves out of sheep
If Jesus made wine out of water

I say that I shall hate
You say that I shall love

I have chosen my way to live
I spit on you and I spit on your god

How someone - can follow your pathetic lies
I can't - understand
And all that - he stands for
I deny - your god

No, I'll stand strong and be me
Will I be weak and obey you?
This is the choice of my life
This is the way of my living

Relevant Tags:
DDenial ((the WWay OOf TThe SStrong) enial the ay f he trong) eDnial t(he aWy fO hTe tSrong) xenial (tthe aay kf fhe ztrong) xDenial (he aWay kOf fThe zStrong)
Dxenial (hte Waay Okf Tfhe Sztrong) eenial (fhe 3ay 9f 5he wtrong) eDenial (fthe 3Way 9Of 5The wStrong) Deenial (tfhe W3ay O9f T5he Swtrong) fenial (5he day 0f hhe dtrong)
fDenial (5the dWay 0Of hThe dStrong) Dfenial (t5he Wday O0f Thhe Sdtrong) renial (hhe eay lf yhe etrong) rDenial (hthe eWay lOf yThe eStrong) Drenial (thhe Weay Olf Tyhe Setrong)
cenial (yhe say if 6he xtrong) cDenial (ythe sWay iOf 6The xStrong) Dcenial (tyhe Wsay Oif T6he Sxtrong) senial (6he 2ay Off ghe atrong) sDenial (6the 2Way O gThe aStrong)
Dsenial (t6he W2ay Of Tghe Satrong) (ghe qay Oc rhe Sttrong) Dnial (gthe qWay Ocf rThe Srong) Dneial (tghe Wqay Ofc Trhe Srtong) Dsnial (rhe Or Sfrong)
(rthe Wy Orf Te Sftrong) Desnial (trhe Wya Ofr Teh Stfrong) D3nial Wzy Og Tje S5rong) D3enial (te Wzay Ogf Tjhe S5trong) De3nial (teh Wazy Ofg Thje St5rong)
Dfnial (tje Wqy Ot Tue Shrong) (tjhe Otf Tuhe Shtrong) Defnial (thje Waqy Oft Thue Sthrong) Drnial (tue Wsy Ov Tne Syrong) (tuhe Ovf Tnhe Sytrong)
Dernial (thue Wasy Ofv Thne Styrong) D4nial (tne Wwy Od Tbe S6rong) D4enial (tnhe Wway Odf Tbhe S6trong) De4nial (thne Wawy Ofd Thbe St6rong) Ddnial (tbe Wxy Tge Sgrong)
Ddenial (tbhe Wxay Sgtrong) Dednial (thbe Waxy Thge Stgrong) Dwnial (tge Wayy Tye Srrong) Dwenial Wa Srtrong) Dewnial (thge Way Thye Strrong)
Dennial (tye Wag Thee Deial Wagy Th Stong) Deinal (thye Wayg The Storng) Demial (thee Wah Ths Stdong) Demnial (th Wahy Thse Stdrong)
Denmial (the Wayh Thes Strdong) Dehial (ths Wa6 Th3 St4ong) Dehnial (thse Wa6y Th3e St4rong) Denhial (thes Way6 The3 Str4ong) Dejial (th3 Wau Thf Stgong)
Dejnial (th3e Wauy Thfe Denjial (the3 Wayu Thef Strgong) Debial (thf Wa7 Thr Sttong) Debnial (thfe Wa7y Thre Denbial (thef Way7 Ther Strtong)

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