The Spirit Of Venus

Unreal revealed this imagination
A dream so real, a dream so deep
Turning me towards all mysteries
I see through the veil of darkness
And the mirror behind it reflects my fate
But the way is blocked - By sorrow
I scream into non-existing nothingness
And at last only silence remains
Oh, make every tear in my heart
A lifetime in hell
Falling eternal through the pits of time
Into an abysmal womb of subconsciousness
Torn apart by the phenomenon of enlightenment
And here she was standing enrobed by mist
The spirit of Venus..
Chanting my name
Embracing my soul
The blood was freezing as I touched the flesh
And ripped out her heart
A kiss which brought total eclipse
Unite us in pain
Unite us in blasphemy and lust
And join us through your devotion
Grant me deepest ecstasy
Under the watching autumn eye
That has guided me through all this year
And in the coldness of night
I whisper the wildest dreams unto you
While I am shrouded
By crystals of frosty dusk
And the everlasting winter
Embraces my heart with grief

Mirror lyrics:

Embraces my heart with grief
And the everlasting winter
By crystals of frosty dusk
While I am shrouded
I whisper the wildest dreams unto you
And in the coldness of night
That has guided me through all this year
Under the watching autumn eye
Grant me deepest ecstasy
And join us through your devotion
Unite us in blasphemy and lust
Unite us in pain
A kiss which brought total eclipse
And ripped out her heart
The blood was freezing as I touched the flesh
Embracing my soul
Chanting my name
The spirit of Venus..
And here she was standing enrobed by mist
Torn apart by the phenomenon of enlightenment
Into an abysmal womb of subconsciousness
Falling eternal through the pits of time
A lifetime in hell
Oh, make every tear in my heart
And at last only silence remains
I scream into non-existing nothingness
But the way is blocked - By sorrow
And the mirror behind it reflects my fate
I see through the veil of darkness
Turning me towards all mysteries
A dream so real, a dream so deep
Unreal revealed this imagination

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSpirit OOf VVenus he pirit f enus hTe pSirit fO eVnus fhe zpirit kf benus fThe zSpirit kOf bVenus Tfhe Szpirit Okf Vbenus
5he wpirit 9f cenus 5The wSpirit 9Of cVenus T5he Swpirit O9f Vcenus hhe dpirit 0f genus hThe dSpirit 0Of gVenus Thhe Sdpirit O0f Vgenus
yhe epirit lf fenus yThe eSpirit lOf fVenus Tyhe Sepirit Olf Vfenus 6he xpirit if Veenus 6The xSpirit iOf Vnus T6he Sxpirit Oif Vneus
ghe apirit Off Vsnus gThe aSpirit O Vsenus Tghe Sapirit Of Vesnus rhe Sppirit Oc V3nus rThe Sirit Ocf V3enus Trhe Siprit Ofc Ve3nus
S0irit Or Vfnus Te S0pirit Orf Teh Sp0irit Ofr Vefnus Tje Slirit Og Vrnus Tjhe Slpirit Ogf Vrenus Thje Splirit Ofg Vernus
Tue Soirit Ot V4nus Tuhe Sopirit Otf V4enus Thue Spoirit Oft Ve4nus Tne Spiirit Ov Vdnus Tnhe Sprit Ovf Vdenus Thne Spriit Ofv Vednus
Tbe Spjrit Od Vwnus Tbhe Spjirit Odf Vwenus Thbe Spijrit Ofd Vewnus Tge Sp9rit Vennus Sp9irit Veus Thge Spi9rit Veuns
Tye Splrit Vemus Vemnus Thye Spilrit Venmus Thee Sporit Vehus Th Vehnus The Spiorit Venhus
Ths Spkrit Vejus Thse Spkirit Vejnus Thes Spikrit Venjus Th3 Sp8rit Vebus Th3e Sp8irit Vebnus The3 Spi8rit Venbus
Thf Spurit Venuus Thfe Spuirit Vens Thef Spiurit Vensu Thr Spirrit Venhs Thre Spiit Ther Spiirt Venuhs
Th4 Spidit Ven7s Th4e Spidrit Ven7us The4 Spirdit Venu7s Thd Spi4it Venks

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