As Astral Images Darken Reality

Kometen sind brennende Seelen,
Die zur Strafe durch den Kosmos ziehen müßen.
Comets are burning souls,
That have to travel through the cosmos for punishment.
Nothing disturbs this transcendental harmony
The only light that breaks up darkness
Are the burning red stars
Cosmic winds bear a waft
Of a gigantic psychic force
That the nineth dimension
(colossal deep universe) holds
And opens for me
Desolation in purest shape
Neither melodies nor cries
Resound in this cold silence
Nevertheless I feel the endless echo of melancholy
No mountain, no tree, no lake
But an endless wasteland of stones and ice
Forms this realm where no king was ever born
Because no life exists which can be ruled
Here is the destination of my astral journey
The only place where I find peace
So I leave the world behind
And replace earthbound grey
To interstellar black
I leave the world behind !

Mirror lyrics:

I leave the world behind !
To interstellar black
And replace earthbound grey
So I leave the world behind
The only place where I find peace
Here is the destination of my astral journey
Because no life exists which can be ruled
Forms this realm where no king was ever born
But an endless wasteland of stones and ice
No mountain, no tree, no lake
Nevertheless I feel the endless echo of melancholy
Resound in this cold silence
Neither melodies nor cries
Desolation in purest shape
And opens for me
(colossal deep universe) holds
That the nineth dimension
Of a gigantic psychic force
Cosmic winds bear a waft
Are the burning red stars
The only light that breaks up darkness
Nothing disturbs this transcendental harmony
That have to travel through the cosmos for punishment.
Comets are burning souls,
Die zur Strafe durch den Kosmos ziehen müßen.
Kometen sind brennende Seelen,

Relevant Tags:
AAs AAstral IImages DDarken RReality s stral mages arken eality sA sAtral mIages aDrken eRality zs zstral jmages xarken deality zAs zAstral jImages xDarken dReality
Azs Azstral Ijmages Dxarken Rdeality qs qstral 9mages earken 4eality qAs qAstral 9Images eDarken 4Reality Aqs Aqstral I9mages Dearken R4eality ss sstral lmages farken geality
sAs sAstral lImages fDarken gReality Ass Asstral Ilmages Dfarken Rgeality ws wstral omages rarken teality wAs wAstral oImages rDarken tReality Aws Awstral Iomages Drarken Rteality
xs xstral kmages carken 5eality xAs xAstral kImages cDarken 5Reality Axs Axstral Ikmages Dcarken R5eality 8mages sarken feality A Atral 8Images sDarken fReality
As Atsral I8mages Dsarken Rfeality Az Aztral umages Daarken eeality uImages Drken eReality Asz Asztral Iumages Draken Reeality Aw Awtral Immages Dzrken
Iages Dzarken Rality Asw Aswtral Iamges Dazrken Raelity Ad Adtral Ijages Dqrken Rsality Ads Adstral Dqarken Rseality Asd Asdtral Imjages Daqrken Resality
Ae Aetral Ikages Dsrken R3ality Aes Aestral R3eality Ase Asetral Imkages Dasrken Re3ality Ax Axtral Inages Dwrken Rfality Inmages Dwarken
Asx Asxtral Imnages Dawrken Refality Aa Aatral Imaages Dxrken Rrality Aas Aastral Imges Rreality Asa Asatral Imgaes Daxrken Rerality Asttral Imzges Darrken R4ality
Asral Imzages Daken Asrtal Imazges Dakren Re4ality Asfral Imqges Dadken Rdality Asftral Imqages Dadrken Astfral Imaqges Dardken Redality
As5ral Imsges Da4ken Rwality As5tral Imsages Da4rken Rweality Ast5ral Imasges Dar4ken Rewality Ashral Imwges Dagken Reaality Ashtral Imwages Dagrken Relity
Asthral Imawges Dargken Relaity Asyral Imxges Datken Rezlity Asytral Imxages Datrken Rezality Astyral Imaxges Dartken Reazlity As6ral Imagges Da5ken Reqlity
As6tral Imaes Da5rken Reqality Ast6ral Imaegs Dar5ken Reaqlity Asgral Imahes Dafken Reslity Asgtral Imahges Dafrken Astgral Imaghes Darfken Reaslity
Asrral Imayes Daeken Rewlity Asrtral Imayges Daerken Astrral Imagyes Dareken Reawlity Imabes Darkken Rexlity Astal Imabges Daren Rexality
Astarl Imagbes Darekn Reaxlity Astdal Imaves Darlen Reallity Astdral Imavges Darlken Reaity

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