Be Near Me [live Lexicon]

The message is perfectly simple, the meaning is clear
Don't ever stray too far, and don't disappear
No, don't disappear

Ever had that feeling, almost broke in two
Said that you were leaving, like you do, you do

All my dreams came true last night, all my hopes and fears
All my dreams came true once more in tears, in tears

Be near me, be near
Be near me, be near
Be near

Never had that feeling until I first met you
Never felt like kneeling, now I do, (yes, I do) yes, I do

All my dreams came true last night, all my hopes and fears
All my dreams came true once more in tears, in tears

Be near me, be near
Be near me, be near
Be near me, be near
Be near

The message is perfectly simple, the meaning is clear
Don't ever stray too far, and don't disappear
No, don't disappear

Be near me, be near
Be near me, be near
Be near me, be near
Be near me, be near

What's your reputation, ecstasy
What's your destination, next to me (be near me)
What's your reputation, ecstasy
What's your destination, next to me (be near me)


Mirror lyrics:


What's your destination, next to me (be near me)
What's your reputation, ecstasy
What's your destination, next to me (be near me)
What's your reputation, ecstasy

Be near me, be near
Be near me, be near
Be near me, be near
Be near me, be near

No, don't disappear
Don't ever stray too far, and don't disappear
The message is perfectly simple, the meaning is clear

Be near
Be near me, be near
Be near me, be near
Be near me, be near

All my dreams came true once more in tears, in tears
All my dreams came true last night, all my hopes and fears

Never felt like kneeling, now I do, (yes, I do) yes, I do
Never had that feeling until I first met you

Be near
Be near me, be near
Be near me, be near

All my dreams came true once more in tears, in tears
All my dreams came true last night, all my hopes and fears

Said that you were leaving, like you do, you do
Ever had that feeling, almost broke in two

No, don't disappear
Don't ever stray too far, and don't disappear
The message is perfectly simple, the meaning is clear

Relevant Tags:
BBe NNear MMe [[live LLexicon] e ear e live exicon] eB eNar eM l[ive eLxicon] ve mear je [llive kexicon] vBe mNear jMe [ive kLexicon]
Bve Nmear Mje [ilve Lkexicon] ge hear ke [kive oexicon] gBe hNear kMe [klive oLexicon] Bge Nhear Mke [lkive Loexicon] ne jear ne [oive pexicon]
nBe jNear nMe [olive pLexicon] Bne Njear Mne [loive Lpexicon] he bear Mee [pive Leexicon] hBe bNear M [plive Lxicon] Bhe Nbear Me [lpive Lxeicon]
Bee Neear Ms [liive Lsxicon] B Nar Mse [lve Lsexicon] Be Naer Mes [lvie Lesxicon] Bs Nsar M3 [ljve L3xicon] Bse Nsear M3e [ljive L3exicon]
Bes Nesar Me3 [lijve Le3xicon] B3 N3ar Mf [l9ve Lfxicon] B3e N3ear Mfe [l9ive Lfexicon] Be3 Ne3ar Mef [li9ve Lefxicon] Bf Nfar Mr [llve Lrxicon]
Bfe Nfear Mre Lrexicon] Bef Nefar Mer [lilve Lerxicon] Br Nrar M4 [love L4xicon] Bre Nrear M4e L4exicon] Ber Nerar Me4 [liove Le4xicon]
B4 N4ar Md [lkve Ldxicon] B4e N4ear Mde Ldexicon] Be4 Ne4ar Med [likve Ledxicon] Bd Ndar Mw [l8ve Lwxicon] Bde Ndear Mwe [l8ive Lwexicon]
Bed Nedar Mew [li8ve Lewxicon] Bw Nwar [luve Lexxicon] Bwe Nwear [luive Leicon] Bew Newar [liuve Leixcon] Neaar [livve Ledicon]
Ner [lie Nera [liev Lexdicon] Nezr [libe Lezicon] Nezar [libve Lezxicon] Neazr [livbe Lexzicon]
Neqr [lice Lecicon] Neqar [licve Lecxicon] Neaqr [livce Lexcicon] Nesr [lige Lesicon] [ligve
Neasr [livge Lexsicon] Newr [life Lexiicon] [lifve Lexcon] Neawr [livfe Lexcion] Nexr [livee Lexjcon]
Nexar [liv Lexjicon] Neaxr [live Lexijcon] Nearr [livs Lex9con] Nea [livse Lex9icon] Near [lives Lexi9con]
Nead [liv3 Lexlcon] Neadr [liv3e Lexlicon]

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