Aaron Neville
Why Should I Fall In Love

Why should I fall in love
Turn my world upside down
One broken heart is quite enough
Why should I fall in love

Why should I hold your hand
Feel my hopes start to rise
It's a long way down and I can't fly
Why should I fall in love

Why should I hold you
Why should I dream
I know myself,
I'll just take it to extremes

I want to keep you my whole life through
If you've got no one
Least you've got no one to lose

Why should I fall in love
Wake up tomorrow with a smile
I want the kind that lasts awhile
Why should I fall in love
Tell me baby

Why should I hold you
Why should I dream
I know myself
I'll just take it to extremes
I wanna keep you my whole life through
But if you've got no one
Least you've got no one to lose

Why should I fall in love
Turn my life inside out
One broken heart is quite enough
Why should I fall in love

This old heart has had it rough
Why should I fall in love

Mirror lyrics:

Why should I fall in love
This old heart has had it rough

Why should I fall in love
One broken heart is quite enough
Turn my life inside out
Why should I fall in love

Least you've got no one to lose
But if you've got no one
I wanna keep you my whole life through
I'll just take it to extremes
I know myself
Why should I dream
Why should I hold you

Tell me baby
Why should I fall in love
I want the kind that lasts awhile
Wake up tomorrow with a smile
Why should I fall in love

Least you've got no one to lose
If you've got no one
I want to keep you my whole life through

I'll just take it to extremes
I know myself,
Why should I dream
Why should I hold you

Why should I fall in love
It's a long way down and I can't fly
Feel my hopes start to rise
Why should I hold your hand

Why should I fall in love
One broken heart is quite enough
Turn my world upside down
Why should I fall in love

Relevant Tags:
WWhy SShould II FFall IIn LLove hy hould all n ove hWy hSould I aFll nI oLve ahy zhould j call jn kove aWhy zShould jI cFall jIn kLove
Wahy Szhould Ij Fcall Ijn Lkove 3hy whould 9 rall 9n oove 3Why wShould 9I rFall 9In oLove W3hy Swhould I9 Frall I9n Loove dhy dhould l gall ln pove
dWhy dShould lI gFall lIn pLove Wdhy Sdhould Il Fgall Iln Lpove ehy ehould o tall on eWhy eShould oI tFall oIn Lve Wehy Sehould Io Ftall Ion Lvoe
shy xhould k vall kn Lkve sWhy xShould kI vFall kIn Wshy Sxhould Ik Fvall Ikn Lokve 2hy ahould 8 dall 8n L9ve 2Why aShould 8I dFall 8In L9ove
W2hy Sahould I8 Fdall I8n Lo9ve qhy Shhould u Faall un L0ve qWhy Sould uI Fll uIn L0ove Wqhy Sohuld Iu Flal Iun Lo0ve Whhy Sjould Fzll Inn Llve
Wy Sjhould Fzall I Llove Wyh Shjould Fazll In Lolve Wjy Suould Fqll Im Live Wjhy Suhould Fqall Imn Liove Whjy Shuould Faqll Inm Loive
Wuy Snould Fsll Ih Lovve Wuhy Snhould Fsall Ihn Loe Whuy Shnould Fasll Inh Loev Wny Sbould Fwll Ij Lobe Wnhy Sbhould Fwall Lobve
Whny Shbould Fawll Inj Lovbe Wby Sgould Fxll Ib Loce Wbhy Sghould Fxall Ibn Locve Whby Shgould Faxll Inb Lovce Wgy Syould Falll Loge
Wghy Syhould Fal Logve Whgy Shyould Fall Lovge Wyy Shoould Fakl Lofe Wyhy Shuld Fakll Lofve Whyy Shuold Falkl Lovfe
Shkuld Faol Lovee Wh Shkould Faoll Lov Why Shokuld Falol Love Whg Sh9uld Fapl Lovs Sh9ould Fapll Lovse
Whyg Sho9uld Falpl Loves Whh Sh0uld Lov3 Sh0ould Lov3e Whyh Sho0uld Love3 Wh6 Shluld Falk Lovf
Wh6y Shlould Why6 Sholuld Fallk Lovef

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