You'll Follow Me Down (duet With Skunk Anansie)

Survived tonight
I may be going down
cos everything goes round too
Tight, tonight
And as you watch me crawl
You stand for more

And your panic stricken
Blood will thicken up tonight
cos I dont want you to forgive me
Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down

Survive tonight
I see your heads exposed
So we shall kill
Constructive might
Its so right as your emotions fool you
My strong will rule

And your panic stricken
Blood will thicken up tonight
cos I dont want you to forgive me
Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down

I wont feel restraint
Watching you close sense down
I cant compensate
Thats more than Ive got to give

And your panic stricken
Blood will thicken up tonight
cos I dont want you to forgive me
Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down

cos I dont want you to forgive me
Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down

Mirror lyrics:

Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down
cos I dont want you to forgive me

Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down
cos I dont want you to forgive me
Blood will thicken up tonight
And your panic stricken

Thats more than Ive got to give
I cant compensate
Watching you close sense down
I wont feel restraint

Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down
cos I dont want you to forgive me
Blood will thicken up tonight
And your panic stricken

My strong will rule
Its so right as your emotions fool you
Constructive might
So we shall kill
I see your heads exposed
Survive tonight

Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down
Youll follow me down
cos I dont want you to forgive me
Blood will thicken up tonight
And your panic stricken

You stand for more
And as you watch me crawl
Tight, tonight
cos everything goes round too
I may be going down
Survived tonight

Relevant Tags:
YYou'll FFollow MMe DDown ((duet WWith SSkunk AAnansie) ou'll ollow e own duet ith kunk nansie) oYu'll oFllow eM oDwn d(uet iWth kSunk nAansie)
gou'll collow je xown (dduet aith zkunk znansie) gYou'll cFollow jMe xDown (uet aWith zSkunk zAnansie) Ygou'll Fcollow Mje Dxown (udet Waith Szkunk Aznansie)
hou'll rollow ke eown (xuet 3ith wkunk qnansie) hYou'll rFollow kMe eDown (xduet 3With wSkunk qAnansie) Yhou'll Frollow Mke Deown (dxuet W3ith Swkunk Aqnansie)
6ou'll gollow ne fown (euet dith dkunk snansie) 6You'll gFollow nMe fDown (eduet dWith dSkunk sAnansie) Y6ou'll Fgollow Mne Dfown (deuet Wdith Sdkunk Asnansie)
uou'll tollow Mee rown (fuet eith ekunk wnansie) uYou'll tFollow M rDown (fduet eWith eSkunk wAnansie) Yuou'll Ftollow Me Drown (dfuet Weith Sekunk Awnansie)
7ou'll vollow Ms cown (ruet sith xkunk xnansie) 7You'll vFollow Mse cDown (rduet sWith xSkunk xAnansie) Y7ou'll Fvollow Mes Dcown (druet Wsith Sxkunk Axnansie)
jou'll dollow M3 sown (cuet 2ith akunk Annansie) jYou'll dFollow M3e sDown (cduet 2With aSkunk Aansie) Yjou'll Fdollow Me3 Dsown (dcuet W2ith Sakunk Aannsie)
tou'll Foollow Mf Doown (suet qith Skkunk Amansie) tYou'll Fllow Mfe Dwn (sduet qWith Sunk Amnansie) Ytou'll Flolow Mef Dwon (dsuet Wqith Suknk Anmansie)
Yoou'll Fkllow Mr Dkwn (duuet Wiith Slunk Ahansie) Yu'll Fkollow Mre Dkown (det Wth Slkunk Ahnansie) Yuo'll Fokllow Mer Dokwn (deut Wtih Sklunk Anhansie)
Yku'll F9llow M4 D9wn (dhet Wjth Sounk Ajansie) Ykou'll F9ollow M4e D9own (dhuet Wjith Sokunk Ajnansie) Yoku'll Fo9llow Me4 Do9wn (duhet Wijth Skounk Anjansie)
Y9u'll F0llow Md D0wn (d7et W9th Smunk Abansie) Y9ou'll F0ollow Mde D0own (d7uet W9ith Smkunk Abnansie) Yo9u'll Fo0llow Med Do0wn (du7et Wi9th Skmunk Anbansie)
Y0u'll Flllow Mw Dlwn (dket Wlth Sjunk Anaansie) Y0ou'll Flollow Mwe Dlown (dkuet Wlith Sjkunk Annsie) Yo0u'll Folllow Mew Dolwn (duket Wilth Skjunk Annasie)
Ylu'll Fillow Diwn (diet Woth Siunk Anznsie) Ylou'll Fiollow Diown (diuet Woith Sikunk Anzansie) Yolu'll Foillow Doiwn (duiet Wioth Skiunk Anaznsie)
Yiu'll Dowwn (d8et Wkth Skuunk Anqnsie) Yiou'll Folow Don (d8uet Wkith Sknk Anqansie) Yoiu'll Follow Donw (du8et Wikth Sknuk Anaqnsie)
Youu'll Foklow Doan (djet W8th Skhnk Ansnsie) Yo'll Doawn (djuet W8ith Skhunk Ansansie) Yo'ull Folklow Dowan (dujet Wi8th Skuhnk Anasnsie)
Yoh'll Foolow Do3n (dyet Wuth Sk7nk Anwnsie) Yohu'll Do3wn (dyuet Wuith Sk7unk Anwansie) Youh'll Fololow Dow3n (duyet Wiuth Sku7nk Anawnsie)
Yo7'll Foplow Dodn (dueet Witth Skknk Anxnsie) Yo7u'll Fopllow Dodwn (dut Wih Anxansie) You7'll Folplow Dowdn (dute Wiht Skuknk Anaxnsie)
Yok'll Doen (dust Wifh Skink Anannsie) Doewn (duset Wifth Anasie) Youk'll Fololw Dowen (duest Witfh Skuink Anasnie)
Yoi'll Folkow Dosn (du3t Wi5h Sk8nk Anamsie) Doswn (du3et Wi5th Sk8unk Anamnsie) Youi'll Follkow Dowsn (due3t Wit5h Sku8nk Ananmsie)
Yo8'll Foloow Do2n (duft Wihh Skjnk Anahsie) Yo8u'll Do2wn (dufet Wihth Anahnsie) You8'll Folloow Dow2n (dueft Withh Skujnk Ananhsie)
Yoj'll Folpow Doqn (durt Wiyh Skynk Anajsie) Yoju'll Doqwn (duret Wiyth Skyunk Anajnsie) Youj'll Follpow Dowqn (duert Wityh Skuynk Ananjsie)
Yoy'll Downn (du4t Wi6h Skunnk Anabsie) Yoyu'll Follw Dow (du4et Wi6th Skuk Anabnsie) Youy'll Follwo Down (due4t Wit6h Skukn Ananbsie)
You''ll Follkw Dowm (dudt Wigh Skumk Ananssie) Youll Dowmn (dudet Wigth Skumnk Ananie) Youl'l Follokw Downm (duedt Witgh Skunmk Ananise)

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