Aladdin & King Of Thieves
Arabian Nights (reprise)

So it goes,
Short and sweet
They were wed down the street
May their marriage be truly blessed

Happy end
To the tale
And tomorrow's a sale
So I'd better go home and rest!

Here's a kiss and a hug
Sure you don't need a rug?
I assure you, the price is right

Well, salaam,
Worthy friend
Come back soon, that's the end!
'Til another Arabian Night!

Mirror lyrics:

'Til another Arabian Night!
Come back soon, that's the end!
Worthy friend
Well, salaam,

I assure you, the price is right
Sure you don't need a rug?
Here's a kiss and a hug

So I'd better go home and rest!
And tomorrow's a sale
To the tale
Happy end

May their marriage be truly blessed
They were wed down the street
Short and sweet
So it goes,

Relevant Tags:
AArabian NNights ((reprise) rabian ights reprise) rAabian iNghts r(eprise) zrabian mights (rreprise) zArabian mNights (eprise) Azrabian Nmights (erprise)
qrabian hights (deprise) qArabian hNights (dreprise) Aqrabian Nhights (rdeprise) srabian jights (4eprise) sArabian jNights (4reprise) Asrabian Njights (r4eprise)
wrabian bights (geprise) wArabian bNights (greprise) Awrabian Nbights (rgeprise) xrabian Niights (teprise) xArabian Nghts (treprise) Axrabian Ngihts (rteprise)
Arrabian Njghts (5eprise) Aabian (5reprise) Aarbian Nijghts (r5eprise) Adabian N9ghts (feprise) Adrabian N9ights (freprise) Ardabian Ni9ghts (rfeprise)
A4abian Nlghts (eeprise) A4rabian Nlights (ereprise) Ar4abian Nilghts (reeprise) Agabian Noghts Agrabian Noights (rprise) Argabian Nioghts (rperise)
Atabian Nkghts (rsprise) Atrabian Nkights (rseprise) Artabian Nikghts (resprise) A5abian N8ghts (r3prise) A5rabian N8ights (r3eprise) Ar5abian Ni8ghts (re3prise)
Afabian Nughts (rfprise) Afrabian Nuights Arfabian Niughts (refprise) Aeabian Nigghts (rrprise) Aerabian Nihts Areabian Nihgts (rerprise)
Araabian Nihhts (r4prise) Arbian Nihghts Arbaian Nighhts (re4prise) Arzbian Niyhts (rdprise) Arzabian Niyghts Arazbian Nigyhts (redprise)
Arqbian Nibhts (rwprise) Arqabian Nibghts (rweprise) Araqbian Nigbhts (rewprise) Arsbian Nivhts (repprise) Arsabian Nivghts (rerise) Arasbian Nigvhts (rerpise)
Arwbian Nifhts (re0rise) Arwabian Nifghts (re0prise) Arawbian Nigfhts (rep0rise) Arxbian Nithts (relrise) Arxabian Nitghts (relprise) Araxbian Nigthts (replrise)
Arabbian (reorise) Araian Nigts (reoprise) Araiban Nigths (reporise) Aravian Nigjts (reprrise) Aravbian Nigjhts (repise) Arabvian Nighjts (repirse)
Aragian Niguts (repdise) Aragbian Niguhts (repdrise) Arabgian Nighuts (reprdise) Aranian Nignts (rep4ise) Aranbian Nignhts (rep4rise) Arabnian Nighnts (repr4ise)
Arahian Nigbts (repgise) Arahbian (repgrise) Arabhian Nighbts (reprgise)

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