You're My Explanation For Living


Oh, we had a good night last night
Like every other night
We made love and everything was just right
Oh, lovin you is as fresh as a dew in early morning
And you're my explanation for living.

Well, you're my, my explanation for living, mhm
Without your sweet, sweet love, I'd be nothing
Oh, I'd be just like a baby without its bottle
With a tear-stained face
And I'd be empty as the week without days
Oh, and I'd be like a river without water that was running
And you're my explanation for living.

Oh, you took me to the wine and the roses, yes you did baby
You did some magic with your pocket full of posies
Oh, you give me everything, oh, yes you do
And somehow you keep right on giving
You're my explanation for living.

You're my, my explanation for living, oh, yes you are
Without your sweet, sweet love, I'd be nothing
Oh, I'd be just like a baby without it's bottle
With a tear-stained face
And I'd be empty as the week without it's days
Oh, and I'd be like a river without water that was running
And you're my explanation for living.

--- Instrumental ---

Oh, you give me everything, oh, yes you do
And somehow, baby, you keep right on giving
You're my, my explanation for living.
Oh yeah, oh...

--- Long Instrumental to fade ---

Mirror lyrics:

--- Long Instrumental to fade ---

Oh yeah, oh...
You're my, my explanation for living.
And somehow, baby, you keep right on giving
Oh, you give me everything, oh, yes you do

--- Instrumental ---

And you're my explanation for living.
Oh, and I'd be like a river without water that was running
And I'd be empty as the week without it's days
With a tear-stained face
Oh, I'd be just like a baby without it's bottle
Without your sweet, sweet love, I'd be nothing
You're my, my explanation for living, oh, yes you are

You're my explanation for living.
And somehow you keep right on giving
Oh, you give me everything, oh, yes you do
You did some magic with your pocket full of posies
Oh, you took me to the wine and the roses, yes you did baby

And you're my explanation for living.
Oh, and I'd be like a river without water that was running
And I'd be empty as the week without days
With a tear-stained face
Oh, I'd be just like a baby without its bottle
Without your sweet, sweet love, I'd be nothing
Well, you're my, my explanation for living, mhm

And you're my explanation for living.
Oh, lovin you is as fresh as a dew in early morning
We made love and everything was just right
Like every other night
Oh, we had a good night last night


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YYou're MMy EExplanation FFor LLiving ou're y xplanation or iving oYu're yM xEplanation oFr iLving gou're jy sxplanation cor kiving gYou're jMy sExplanation cFor kLiving
Ygou're Mjy Esxplanation Fcor Lkiving hou're ky 3xplanation ror oiving hYou're kMy 3Explanation rFor oLiving Yhou're Mky E3xplanation Fror Loiving 6ou're ny fxplanation gor piving
6You're nMy fExplanation gFor pLiving Y6ou're Mny Efxplanation Fgor Lpiving uou're Myy rxplanation tor Liiving uYou're M rExplanation tFor Lving Yuou're My Erxplanation Ftor Lviing
7ou're Mg 4xplanation vor Ljving 7You're Mgy 4Explanation vFor Ljiving Y7ou're Myg E4xplanation Fvor Lijving jou're Mh dxplanation dor L9ving jYou're Mhy dExplanation dFor L9iving
Yjou're Myh Edxplanation Fdor Li9ving tou're M6 wxplanation Foor Llving tYou're M6y wExplanation Fr Lliving Ytou're My6 Ewxplanation Fro Lilving Yoou're Mu Exxplanation Fkr Loving
Yu're Muy Eplanation Fkor Yuo're Myu Epxlanation Fokr Lioving Yku're M7 Edplanation F9r Lkving Ykou're M7y F9or Yoku're My7 Exdplanation Fo9r Likving
Y9u're Mj Ezplanation F0r L8ving Y9ou're Ezxplanation F0or L8iving Yo9u're Myj Exzplanation Fo0r Li8ving Y0u're Mt Ecplanation Flr Luving Y0ou're Mty Ecxplanation Flor Luiving
Yo0u're Myt Excplanation Folr Liuving Ylu're Esplanation Fir Livving Ylou're Fior Liing Yolu're Exsplanation Foir Liivng Yiu're Expplanation Forr Libing
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