Alan Parsons
The Three Of Me

There's a voice on the phone
Who just called in to say
"Mr. Jones isn't home
He'll be gone for the day"

So he pulls down the blind
To adjust his disguise
But it's all in his mind
Which he proudly denies

I turn the boat back from the weir
Where to go from here
I can't hide from each face I see
Looking out from behind them is me

I'm attempting to guess
What they meant when they said
"Mr. Jones and his guest
Won't be using the bed"

So if I take the rap
While they stay out of sight
I can spring from the trap
When the timing is right

One minute I think I know what I mean
The next I hear voices inside disagree
Why are they laughing at me?

So I pick up the phone
Someone's asking of me
Is the real Mister Jones
Mister One, Two or Three?

So I say that they're not
But it's not as I say
'Cause they're all that I've got
And I can't get away

As Alice waves us through the glass
Are we home at last?
For tomorrow they'll be here you see
Locked away safe inside there with me

'Cause tomorrow they'll be here you'll see
Locked away safe inside they're with me

One minute I think I know what I mean
The next I hear voices inside disagree
Why are they laughing at me...?

Mirror lyrics:

Why are they laughing at me...?
The next I hear voices inside disagree
One minute I think I know what I mean

Locked away safe inside they're with me
'Cause tomorrow they'll be here you'll see

Locked away safe inside there with me
For tomorrow they'll be here you see
Are we home at last?
As Alice waves us through the glass

And I can't get away
'Cause they're all that I've got
But it's not as I say
So I say that they're not

Mister One, Two or Three?
Is the real Mister Jones
Someone's asking of me
So I pick up the phone

Why are they laughing at me?
The next I hear voices inside disagree
One minute I think I know what I mean

When the timing is right
I can spring from the trap
While they stay out of sight
So if I take the rap

Won't be using the bed"
"Mr. Jones and his guest
What they meant when they said
I'm attempting to guess

Looking out from behind them is me
I can't hide from each face I see
Where to go from here
I turn the boat back from the weir

Which he proudly denies
But it's all in his mind
To adjust his disguise
So he pulls down the blind

He'll be gone for the day"
"Mr. Jones isn't home
Who just called in to say
There's a voice on the phone

Relevant Tags:
TThe TThree OOf MMe he hree f e hTe hTree fO eM fhe fhree kf je fThe fThree kOf jMe Tfhe Tfhree Okf Mje 5he 5hree 9f ke
5The 5Three 9Of kMe T5he T5hree O9f Mke hhe hhree 0f ne hThe hThree 0Of nMe Thhe Thhree O0f Mne yhe yhree lf Mee yThe yThree lOf M
Tyhe Tyhree Olf Me 6he 6hree if Ms 6The 6Three iOf Mse T6he T6hree Oif Mes ghe ghree Off M3 gThe gThree O M3e Tghe Tghree Of Me3
rhe rhree Oc Mf rThe rThree Ocf Mfe Trhe Trhree Ofc Mef Or Mr Te Tree Orf Mre Teh Trhee Ofr Mer Tje Tjree Og M4
Tjhe Tjhree Ogf M4e Thje Thjree Ofg Me4 Tue Turee Ot Md Tuhe Tuhree Otf Mde Thue Thuree Oft Med Tne Tnree Ov Mw Tnhe Tnhree Ovf Mwe
Thne Thnree Ofv Mew Tbe Tbree Od Tbhe Tbhree Odf Thbe Thbree Ofd Tge Tgree Thge Thgree Tye Tyree
Thye Thyree Thee Thrree Th Thee The There Ths Thdee

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