Alan Parsons
Siren Song

Days go by
Adrift upon a rolling sky
The miracles escape my eyes
But I still hope

Time, regret
Is this as good as life can get?
It's only when the spirit sets
Me free I cope

If I seek in every corner
If I search in every doorway
When the water turns to wine will I believe?
If I navigate the river
Would you take me to your island?
Sing a Siren Song so I can never leave

Long and wide
Eternity from side to side
Lead me through the rapids
Guide me to the shore

There's a place
That's far beyond this time and space
When each of us comes face to face
With something more

If I open up the channel
Will you send me information
If you tune me to your station, I'll receive
If I navigate the river
Would you take me to your island
Sing a Siren Song so I can never leave

Plans can fail
But only fail to understand
The pyramid will turn to sand
And I'll be here
...I will be here...

Mirror lyrics:

...I will be here...
And I'll be here
The pyramid will turn to sand
But only fail to understand
Plans can fail

Sing a Siren Song so I can never leave
Would you take me to your island
If I navigate the river
If you tune me to your station, I'll receive
Will you send me information
If I open up the channel

With something more
When each of us comes face to face
That's far beyond this time and space
There's a place

Guide me to the shore
Lead me through the rapids
Eternity from side to side
Long and wide

Sing a Siren Song so I can never leave
Would you take me to your island?
If I navigate the river
When the water turns to wine will I believe?
If I search in every doorway
If I seek in every corner

Me free I cope
It's only when the spirit sets
Is this as good as life can get?
Time, regret

But I still hope
The miracles escape my eyes
Adrift upon a rolling sky
Days go by

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Sdiren Sdong eiren eong eSiren eSong Seiren Seong xiren xong xSiren xSong Sxiren Sxong airen aong aSiren aSong Sairen Saong Siiren Soong
Sren Sng Srien Snog Sjren Skng Sjiren Skong Sijren Sokng S9ren S9ng S9iren S9ong Si9ren So9ng Slren S0ng Sliren S0ong Silren So0ng
Soren Slng Soiren Slong Sioren Solng Skren Sing Skiren Siong Sikren Soing S8ren Sonng S8iren Sog Si8ren Sogn Suren Somg Suiren Somng
Siuren Sonmg Sirren Sohg Sien Sohng Siern Sonhg Siden Sojg Sidren Sojng Sirden Sonjg Si4en Sobg

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