Alan Jackson
You Don't Have To Paint Me A Picture

The kiss was colder than I remember
When we first said hello
I guess the flame's now a little lower
I can feel you letting go.

You know the paint dries a little darker
Then when you first put it on
I guess your love's like some old cheap and magic marker
Sit forever now it's gone.

But you don't have to paint me a picture
You don't have to say things at all
You don't have to paint me a picture
I can see in the writing on the wall.

When we first fell, we fell a long way
Summer nights and winter days
Mountain sunrise, ocean sunset
Hand in hand in the haze.

Now it's cold heart summer evenings
And there's clouds on my sunrise
But you don't have to smile and say you're happy
I can see what's in your eyes.

You don't have to paint me a picture
You don't have to say things at all
You don't have to paint me a picture
I can see in the writing on the wall...

Mirror lyrics:

I can see in the writing on the wall...
You don't have to paint me a picture
You don't have to say things at all
You don't have to paint me a picture

I can see what's in your eyes.
But you don't have to smile and say you're happy
And there's clouds on my sunrise
Now it's cold heart summer evenings

Hand in hand in the haze.
Mountain sunrise, ocean sunset
Summer nights and winter days
When we first fell, we fell a long way

I can see in the writing on the wall.
You don't have to paint me a picture
You don't have to say things at all
But you don't have to paint me a picture

Sit forever now it's gone.
I guess your love's like some old cheap and magic marker
Then when you first put it on
You know the paint dries a little darker

I can feel you letting go.
I guess the flame's now a little lower
When we first said hello
The kiss was colder than I remember

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YYou DDon't HHave TTo PPaint MMe AA PPicture ou on't ave o aint e icture oYu oDn't aHve oT aPint eM A iPcture gou xon't jave fo 0aint je z 0icture
gYou xDon't jHave fTo 0Paint jMe zA 0Picture Ygou Dxon't Hjave Tfo P0aint Mje Az P0icture hou eon't uave 5o laint ke q licture hYou eDon't uHave 5To lPaint kMe qA lPicture
Yhou Deon't Huave T5o Plaint Mke Aq Plicture 6ou fon't nave ho oaint ne s oicture 6You fDon't nHave hTo oPaint nMe sA oPicture Y6ou Dfon't Hnave Tho Poaint Mne As Poicture
uou ron't bave yo Paaint Mee w Piicture uYou rDon't bHave yTo Pint M wA Pcture Yuou Dron't Hbave Tyo Piant Me Aw Pciture 7ou con't gave 6o Pzint Ms x Pjcture
7You cDon't gHave 6To Pzaint Mse xA Pjicture Y7ou Dcon't Hgave T6o Pazint Mes Ax Pijcture jou son't yave go Pqint M3 P9cture jYou sDon't yHave gTo Pqaint M3e P9icture
Yjou Dson't Hyave Tgo Paqint Me3 Pi9cture tou Doon't Haave ro Psint Mf Plcture tYou Dn't Hve rTo Psaint Mfe Ytou Dno't Hvae Tro Pasint Mef Pilcture
Yoou Dkn't Hzve Too Pwint Mr Pocture Yu Dkon't Hzave T Pwaint Mre Yuo Dokn't Hazve To Pawint Mer Piocture Yku D9n't Hqve Tk Pxint M4 Pkcture
Ykou D9on't Hqave Tko Pxaint M4e Pkicture Yoku Do9n't Haqve Tok Paxint Me4 Pikcture Y9u D0n't Hsve T9 Paiint Md P8cture Y9ou D0on't Hsave T9o Pant Mde P8icture
Yo9u Do0n't Hasve To9 Panit Med Pi8cture Y0u Dln't Hwve T0 Pajnt Mw Pucture Y0ou Dlon't Hwave T0o Pajint Mwe Puicture Yo0u Doln't Hawve To0 Paijnt Mew Piucture
Ylu Din't Hxve Tl Pa9nt Piccture Ylou Dion't Hxave Tlo Pa9int Piture Yolu Doin't Haxve Tol Pai9nt Pitcure Yiu Donn't Havve Ti Palnt Pifture
Yiou Do't Hae Tio Palint Pifcture Yoiu Do'nt Haev Toi Pailnt Picfture Youu Dom't Habe Paont Pixture Yo Domn't Habve Paoint Pixcture
You Donm't Havbe Paiont Picxture Yoh Doh't Hace Paknt Pivture Yohu Dohn't Hacve Pakint Pivcture Youh Donh't Havce Paiknt Picvture
Yo7 Doj't Hage Pa8nt Pidture Yo7u Dojn't Hagve Pa8int Pidcture You7 Donj't Havge Pai8nt Picdture Yok Dob't Hafe Paunt Pictture
Dobn't Hafve Pauint Picure Youk Donb't Havfe Paiunt Picutre Yoi Don''t Havee Painnt Picfure Dont Hav Pait
Youi Dont' Have Paitn Pictfure Yo8 Don'tt Havs Paimt Pic5ure Yo8u Don' Havse Paimnt Pic5ture You8 Don't Haves Painmt Pict5ure
Yoj Don'f Hav3 Paiht Pichure Yoju Don'ft Hav3e Paihnt Pichture Youj Don'tf Have3 Painht Picthure Yoy Don'5 Havf Paijt Picyure
Yoyu Don'5t Picyture Youy Don't5 Havef Painjt Pictyure Don'h Havr Paibt Pic6ure Don'ht Havre Paibnt Pic6ture
Don'th Haver Painbt Pict6ure

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