Alan Jackson
Third Rate Romance

Announcer: Hello my friends, J.D, and we're back to more Alan Jackson live from Nashville.
Alan: We're going to put a little more flovor on this one.

Sitting at a tiny table in a ritzy restaurant
She was staring at her coffee cup
He was trying to keep his courage up by buying booze
The talk was small when they talked at all
They both knew what they wanted
There was no need to talk about it
They were old enough to know about it, to keep it loose.

I never really did this kinda thing before, have you?
Third rate romance, low rent rendezvous.

--- Instrumental with ad libs. ---

They left the bar, and got in his car, and they drove away
He went to the Family Inn
She didn't even have to pretend she didn't know what for
He went to the desk, and made his request while she waited outside
He came back with the key
She said "Give it to me and I'll unlock the door."

She kept sayin', "I've never really done this kind of thing before, have you?"
Third rate romance, low rent rendezvous.
And he said, "Yes I have, but only a time or two."
Third rate romance, low rent rendezvous.

Third rate romance, low rent rendezvous.
Yeah, talk about a third rate romance, low rent rendezvous...

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah, talk about a third rate romance, low rent rendezvous...
Third rate romance, low rent rendezvous.

Third rate romance, low rent rendezvous.
And he said, "Yes I have, but only a time or two."
Third rate romance, low rent rendezvous.
She kept sayin', "I've never really done this kind of thing before, have you?"

She said "Give it to me and I'll unlock the door."
He came back with the key
He went to the desk, and made his request while she waited outside
She didn't even have to pretend she didn't know what for
He went to the Family Inn
They left the bar, and got in his car, and they drove away

--- Instrumental with ad libs. ---

Third rate romance, low rent rendezvous.
I never really did this kinda thing before, have you?

They were old enough to know about it, to keep it loose.
There was no need to talk about it
They both knew what they wanted
The talk was small when they talked at all
He was trying to keep his courage up by buying booze
She was staring at her coffee cup
Sitting at a tiny table in a ritzy restaurant

Alan: We're going to put a little more flovor on this one.
Announcer: Hello my friends, J.D, and we're back to more Alan Jackson live from Nashville.

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TThird RRate RRomance hird ate omance hTird aRte oRmance fhird date domance fThird dRate dRomance Tfhird Rdate Rdomance
5hird 4ate 4omance 5Third 4Rate 4Romance T5hird R4ate R4omance hhird gate gomance hThird gRate gRomance Thhird Rgate Rgomance
yhird tate tomance yThird tRate tRomance Tyhird Rtate Rtomance 6hird 5ate 5omance 6Third 5Rate 5Romance T6hird R5ate R5omance
ghird fate fomance gThird fRate fRomance Tghird Rfate Rfomance rhird eate eomance rThird eRate eRomance Trhird Reate Reomance
Raate Roomance Tird Rte Rmance Tihrd Rtae Rmoance Tjird Rzte Rkmance Tjhird Rzate Rkomance Thjird Razte Rokmance
Tuird Rqte R9mance Tuhird Rqate R9omance Thuird Raqte Ro9mance Tnird Rste R0mance Tnhird Rsate R0omance Thnird Raste Ro0mance
Tbird Rwte Rlmance Tbhird Rwate Rlomance Thbird Rawte Rolmance Tgird Rxte Rimance Rxate Riomance Thgird Raxte Roimance
Tyird Ratte Rommance Rae Roance Thyird Raet Roamnce Thiird Rafe Rojance Thrd Rafte Rojmance Thrid Ratfe Romjance
Thjrd Ra5e Rokance Ra5te Thijrd Rat5e Romkance Th9rd Rahe Ronance Th9ird Rahte Ronmance Thi9rd Rathe Romnance
Thlrd Raye Romaance Thlird Rayte Romnce Thilrd Ratye Romnace Thord Ra6e Romznce Thoird Ra6te Romzance Thiord Rat6e Romaznce
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