Alan Jackson
She's Got The Rhythm

Spoken: Ya'll got the rhythm in here tonight?
Crowd noise then Aw Yea,

Old bar stool's feelin' higher
I've started sinkin' lower
The minute that she waltzed right through that door
Not long ago I held her, like a fool I went and left her
Now she's with somebody new out on that floor.

And she's got the rhythm and I got the blues
And she's showin' me how much I had to lose
With her every little move she's tellin' me I'm over you
She's got the rhythm and I've got the blues.
Yee Haw.

--- Instrumental ---

That music's gettin' louder
As my heart keeps beatin' faster
As she spells out regret in perfect time
Well, I thought I wanted freedom but that ball and chain I need 'em
'Cause when you choose sometimes you lose the prize.

'Cause she's got the rhythm and I got the blues
She's showin' me how much I had to lose
With her every little move she's tellin' me I'm over you
She's got the rhythm and I've got the blues.

--- Instrumental ---

Yeah, she's got the rhythm and I got the blues
She's showin' me how much I had to lose
With her every little move she's tellin' me I'm over you
She's got the rhythm and I've got the blues.

Yeah, with her every little move she's tellin' me I'm over you
She's got the rhythm and I got the blues...

Mirror lyrics:

She's got the rhythm and I got the blues...
Yeah, with her every little move she's tellin' me I'm over you

She's got the rhythm and I've got the blues.
With her every little move she's tellin' me I'm over you
She's showin' me how much I had to lose
Yeah, she's got the rhythm and I got the blues

--- Instrumental ---

She's got the rhythm and I've got the blues.
With her every little move she's tellin' me I'm over you
She's showin' me how much I had to lose
'Cause she's got the rhythm and I got the blues

'Cause when you choose sometimes you lose the prize.
Well, I thought I wanted freedom but that ball and chain I need 'em
As she spells out regret in perfect time
As my heart keeps beatin' faster
That music's gettin' louder

--- Instrumental ---

Yee Haw.
She's got the rhythm and I've got the blues.
With her every little move she's tellin' me I'm over you
And she's showin' me how much I had to lose
And she's got the rhythm and I got the blues

Now she's with somebody new out on that floor.
Not long ago I held her, like a fool I went and left her
The minute that she waltzed right through that door
I've started sinkin' lower
Old bar stool's feelin' higher

Crowd noise then Aw Yea,
Spoken: Ya'll got the rhythm in here tonight?

Relevant Tags:
SShe's GGot TThe RRhythm he's ot he hythm hSe's oGt hTe hRythm zhe's hot fhe dhythm zShe's hGot fThe dRhythm Szhe's Ghot Tfhe Rdhythm
whe's yot 5he 4hythm wShe's yGot 5The 4Rhythm Swhe's Gyot T5he R4hythm dhe's bot hhe ghythm dShe's bGot hThe gRhythm Sdhe's Gbot Thhe Rghythm
ehe's vot yhe thythm eShe's vGot yThe tRhythm Sehe's Gvot Tyhe Rthythm xhe's fot 6he 5hythm xShe's fGot 6The 5Rhythm Sxhe's Gfot T6he R5hythm
ahe's tot ghe fhythm aShe's tGot gThe fRhythm Sahe's Gtot Tghe Rfhythm Shhe's Goot rhe ehythm Se's Gt rThe eRhythm Seh's Gto Trhe Rehythm
Sje's Gkt Rhhythm Sjhe's Gkot Te Rythm Shje's Gokt Teh Ryhthm Sue's G9t Tje Rjythm Suhe's G9ot Tjhe Rjhythm Shue's Go9t Thje Rhjythm
Sne's G0t Tue Ruythm Snhe's G0ot Tuhe Ruhythm Shne's Go0t Thue Rhuythm Sbe's Glt Tne Rnythm Sbhe's Glot Tnhe Rnhythm Shbe's Golt Thne Rhnythm
Sge's Git Tbe Rbythm Sghe's Giot Tbhe Rbhythm Shge's Goit Thbe Rhbythm Sye's Gott Tge Rgythm Syhe's Go Shye's Got Thge Rhgythm
Shee's Gof Tye Ryythm Sh's Goft Ryhythm Sh'es Gotf Thye Rhyythm Shs's Go5 Thee Shse's Go5t Th Rhthm Shes's Got5 The Rhtyhm
Sh3's Goh Ths Rhgthm Sh3e's Goht Thse She3's Goth Thes Rhygthm Shf's Goy Th3 Rhhthm Shfe's Goyt Th3e Shef's Goty The3 Rhyhthm
Shr's Go6 Thf Rh6thm

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