Alan Jackson
Rainy Day In June

I need some sunshine on my face
To help me dry my eyes
I need a blue sky overhead
So I can clear my mind.

Maybe a soft breeze on my back
To make me feel at ease
Anything more than what I've got
On this rainy day in June.

It's a rainy day in June
The sky is grey and I am blue
Tryin' to make it without you
On this rainy day in June.

Yesterday morning I woke up
On the wrong side of the bed
And on the right side laid a note
I knew what it said.

Then the rain came, hasn't stopped
I don't know if it will
But I'll keep waiting with the hopeful heart
On this rainy day in June.

It's a rainy day in June
The sky is grey and I am blue
Tryin' to make it without you
On this rainy day in June.

The thunder rolls, the lightning flashes
Every thought began with you
I see your face in every cloud that passes
On this rainy day in June.

It's a rainy day in June
The sky is grey and I am blue
Tryin' to make it without you
On this rainy day in June...

Mirror lyrics:

On this rainy day in June...
Tryin' to make it without you
The sky is grey and I am blue
It's a rainy day in June

On this rainy day in June.
I see your face in every cloud that passes
Every thought began with you
The thunder rolls, the lightning flashes

On this rainy day in June.
Tryin' to make it without you
The sky is grey and I am blue
It's a rainy day in June

On this rainy day in June.
But I'll keep waiting with the hopeful heart
I don't know if it will
Then the rain came, hasn't stopped

I knew what it said.
And on the right side laid a note
On the wrong side of the bed
Yesterday morning I woke up

On this rainy day in June.
Tryin' to make it without you
The sky is grey and I am blue
It's a rainy day in June

On this rainy day in June.
Anything more than what I've got
To make me feel at ease
Maybe a soft breeze on my back

So I can clear my mind.
I need a blue sky overhead
To help me dry my eyes
I need some sunshine on my face

Relevant Tags:
RRainy DDay IIn JJune ainy ay n une aRiny aDy nI uJne dainy xay jn kune dRainy xDay jIn kJune Rdainy Dxay Ijn Jkune
4ainy eay 9n iune 4Rainy eDay 9In iJune R4ainy Deay I9n Jiune gainy fay ln mune gRainy fDay lIn mJune Rgainy Dfay Iln Jmune
tainy ray on nune tRainy rDay oIn nJune Rtainy Dray Ion Jnune 5ainy cay kn hune 5Rainy cDay kIn hJune R5ainy Dcay Ikn Jhune
fainy say 8n uune fRainy sDay 8In uJune Rfainy Dsay I8n Juune eainy Daay un eRainy Dy uIn Jne Reainy Dya Iun Jnue
Raainy Dzy Inn Jhne Riny Dzay I Riany Dazy In Juhne Rziny Dqy Im J7ne Rzainy Dqay Imn J7une Raziny Daqy Inm Ju7ne
Rqiny Dsy Ih Jkne Rqainy Ihn Raqiny Dasy Inh Jukne Rsiny Dwy Ij Jine Rsainy Dway Rasiny Dawy Inj Juine
Rwiny Dxy Ib J8ne Rwainy Ibn J8une Rawiny Daxy Inb Ju8ne Rxiny Dayy Jjne Rxainy Da Jjune Raxiny Day Jujne
Raiiny Dag Jyne Rany Dagy Jyune Raniy Dayg Juyne Rajny Dah Junne Rajiny Dahy Jue Raijny Dayh Juen
Ra9ny Da6 Jume Ra9iny Da6y Jumne Rai9ny Day6 Junme

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