A Perfect Circle
Love Song (live The Cure Cover)

Ok, start the song....

Screaming at the window
Watch me die another day
Hopeless situation
Endless price I'll have to pay

Diary of a madman
Walk the line again today
Entries of confusion
Dear Diary, I'm here to say

Sanity, now it's beyond me, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
There's no choice

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I'm whole again

Voices in the darkness
Scream away my mental health
Can I ask a question?
To help me save me from myself

Sanity, now it's beyond me, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
I have no choice

Mirror lyrics:

I have no choice
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Sanity, now it's beyond me, I will always love you

To help me save me from myself
Can I ask a question?
Scream away my mental health
Voices in the darkness

You make me feel like I'm whole again
Whenever I'm alone with you

There's no choice
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Sanity, now it's beyond me, I will always love you

Dear Diary, I'm here to say
Entries of confusion
Walk the line again today
Diary of a madman

Endless price I'll have to pay
Hopeless situation
Watch me die another day
Screaming at the window

Ok, start the song....

Relevant Tags:
LLove SSong ((live TThe CCure CCover) ove ong live he ure over) oLve oSng l(ive hTe uCre oCver) kove zong (llive fhe fure fover) kLove zSong (ive fThe fCure fCover)
Lkove Szong (ilve Tfhe Cfure Cfover) oove wong (kive 5he xure xover) oLove wSong (klive 5The xCure xCover) Loove Swong (lkive T5he Cxure Cxover) pove dong (oive hhe vure vover)
pLove dSong (olive hThe vCure vCover) Lpove Sdong (loive Thhe Cvure Cvover) eong (pive yhe dure dover) Lve eSong (plive yThe dCure dCover) Lvoe Seong (lpive Tyhe Cdure Cdover)
Lkve xong (liive 6he Cuure Coover) xSong (lve 6The Cre Cver) Lokve Sxong (lvie T6he Crue Cvoer) L9ve aong (ljve ghe Chre Ckver) L9ove aSong (ljive gThe Chure Ckover)
Lo9ve Saong (lijve Tghe Cuhre Cokver) L0ve Soong (l9ve rhe C7re C9ver) L0ove Sng (l9ive rThe C7ure C9over) Lo0ve Snog (li9ve Trhe Cu7re Co9ver) Llve Skng (llve Ckre C0ver)
Llove Skong Te Ckure C0over) Lolve Sokng (lilve Teh Cukre Co0ver) Live S9ng (love Tje Cire Clver) Liove S9ong Tjhe Ciure Clover) Loive So9ng (liove Thje Cuire Colver)
Lovve S0ng (lkve Tue C8re Civer) Loe S0ong Tuhe C8ure Ciover) Loev So0ng (likve Thue Cu8re Coiver) Lobe Slng (l8ve Tne Cjre Covver) Lobve Slong (l8ive Tnhe Cjure Coer)
Lovbe Solng (li8ve Thne Cujre Coevr) Loce Sing (luve Tbe Cyre Cober) Locve Siong (luive Tbhe Cyure Cobver) Lovce Soing (liuve Thbe Cuyre Covber) Loge Sonng (livve Tge Curre Cocer)
Logve Sog (lie Cue Cocver) Lovge Sogn (liev Thge Cuer Covcer) Lofe Somg (libe Tye Cude Coger) Lofve Somng (libve Cudre Cogver) Lovfe Sonmg (livbe Thye Curde Covger)
Lovee Sohg (lice Thee Cu4e Cofer) Lov Sohng (licve Th Cu4re Cofver)

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