A Journey To Fall
Devastation At It's Finest

I've been walking through this wasteland for days.
But it feels like forever.

We both knew this would getter harder before it gets easier.

This what made us feel alive. Can we make it through tonight?

I'll be damned if I'm the first to say goodbye.

Every kiss feels like the first time.

I'll be damned if I'm the first to let this die.

Every touch feels like the first time.

This whole time I never knew this was a disaster unfolding.

This whole time I had thought we were safe.

Now I don't know if we'll make it out alive.

This is devastation, is this what you wanted?

I hope you feel alone, cause you asked for this.

I'm a sick man but you're still sane.

I was the one you placed with the blame.

I'll go to hell, you'll go to heaven.

No one there would ever let me in.

You held the devil's hand as you told me your lies.

I'll be damned if I'm the first to say goodbye.

Every kiss feels like the first time.

I'll be damned if I'm the first to let this die.

Every touch feels like the first time.
You held the devil's hand as you told me your lies.

Mirror lyrics:

You held the devil's hand as you told me your lies.
Every touch feels like the first time.

I'll be damned if I'm the first to let this die.

Every kiss feels like the first time.

I'll be damned if I'm the first to say goodbye.

You held the devil's hand as you told me your lies.

No one there would ever let me in.

I'll go to hell, you'll go to heaven.

I was the one you placed with the blame.

I'm a sick man but you're still sane.

I hope you feel alone, cause you asked for this.

This is devastation, is this what you wanted?

Now I don't know if we'll make it out alive.

This whole time I had thought we were safe.

This whole time I never knew this was a disaster unfolding.

Every touch feels like the first time.

I'll be damned if I'm the first to let this die.

Every kiss feels like the first time.

I'll be damned if I'm the first to say goodbye.

This what made us feel alive. Can we make it through tonight?

We both knew this would getter harder before it gets easier.

But it feels like forever.
I've been walking through this wasteland for days.

Relevant Tags:
DDevastation AAt IIt's FFinest evastation t t's inest eDvastation tA tI's iFnest xevastation zt jt's cinest xDevastation zAt jIt's cFinest
Dxevastation Azt Ijt's Fcinest eevastation qt 9t's rinest eDevastation qAt 9It's rFinest Deevastation Aqt I9t's Frinest fevastation st lt's ginest
fDevastation sAt lIt's gFinest Dfevastation Ast Ilt's Fginest revastation wt ot's tinest rDevastation wAt oIt's tFinest Drevastation Awt Iot's Ftinest
cevastation xt kt's vinest cDevastation xAt kIt's vFinest Dcevastation Axt Ikt's Fvinest sevastation Att 8t's dinest sDevastation A 8It's dFinest
Dsevastation At I8t's Fdinest Af ut's Fiinest Dvastation Aft uIt's Fnest Dveastation Atf Iut's Fniest Dsvastation A5 Itt's Fjnest
A5t I's Fjinest Desvastation At5 I'ts Fijnest D3vastation Ah If's F9nest D3evastation Aht Ift's F9inest De3vastation Ath Itf's Fi9nest
Dfvastation Ay I5's Flnest Ayt I5t's Flinest Defvastation Aty It5's Filnest Drvastation A6 Ih's Fonest A6t Iht's Foinest
Dervastation At6 Ith's Fionest D4vastation Ag Iy's Fknest D4evastation Agt Iyt's Fkinest De4vastation Atg Ity's Fiknest Ddvastation Ar I6's F8nest
Ddevastation Art I6t's F8inest Dedvastation Atr It6's Fi8nest Dwvastation Ig's Funest Dwevastation Igt's Fuinest Dewvastation Itg's Fiunest
Devvastation Ir's Finnest Deastation Irt's Fiest Deavstation Itr's Fienst Debastation It''s Fimest Debvastation Its Fimnest
Devbastation Its' Finmest Decastation It'ss Fihest Decvastation It' Fihnest Devcastation It's Finhest Degastation It'z Fijest
Degvastation It'zs Devgastation It'sz Finjest Defastation It'w Fibest It'ws Fibnest Devfastation It'sw Finbest
Devaastation It'd Fineest Devstation It'ds Finst Devsatation It'sd Finset Devzstation It'e Finsst Devzastation It'es Finsest
Devazstation It'se Finesst Devqstation It'x Fin3st Devqastation It'xs Fin3est Devaqstation It'sx Fine3st Devsstation It'a Finfst
Devsastation It'as Finfest Devasstation It'sa Finefst Devwstation Finrst Devwastation Finrest Devawstation Finerst
Devxstation Fin4st Devxastation Fin4est Devaxstation Fine4st Findst Devatation Findest
Devatsation Finedst Devaztation Finwst Finwest Devasztation Finewst Devawtation
Finet Devaswtation Finets Devadtation Finezt Devadstation Finezst Devasdtation Fineszt
Devaetation Finewt Devaestation Devasetation Fineswt Devaxtation Finedt Devasxtation Finesdt
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