A Faith Called Chaos
Witless And White Knuckled

It's when I'm not looking
That I must fleet these blows
Like one arms afire,
But the others not hitting home

You could say that it's up to fate
That there's forces that move to our design
But I feign to leave it up to fate
In what others have made

It's not right,
But no one cares anymore.
It is the least of our worries now
I can't trust anything,
Least of all these hands I gave my self
I can't keep my gloves up
The knockouts only inches away
Already I'm out and over
And pulled down by these waves

I've got right now
Witless and white knuckled,
I've got right now.

Mirror lyrics:

I've got right now.
Witless and white knuckled,
I've got right now

And pulled down by these waves
Already I'm out and over
The knockouts only inches away
I can't keep my gloves up
Least of all these hands I gave my self
I can't trust anything,
It is the least of our worries now
But no one cares anymore.
It's not right,

In what others have made
But I feign to leave it up to fate
That there's forces that move to our design
You could say that it's up to fate

But the others not hitting home
Like one arms afire,
That I must fleet these blows
It's when I'm not looking

Relevant Tags:
WWitless AAnd WWhite KKnuckled itless nd hite nuckled iWtless nAd hWite nKuckled aitless znd ahite lnuckled aWitless zAnd aWhite lKnuckled
Waitless Aznd Wahite Klnuckled 3itless qnd 3hite onuckled 3Witless qAnd 3White oKnuckled W3itless Aqnd W3hite Konuckled ditless snd dhite mnuckled
dWitless sAnd dWhite mKnuckled Wditless Asnd Wdhite Kmnuckled eitless wnd ehite jnuckled eWitless wAnd eWhite jKnuckled Weitless Awnd Wehite Kjnuckled
sitless xnd shite inuckled sWitless xAnd sWhite iKnuckled Wsitless Axnd Wshite Kinuckled 2itless Annd 2hite Knnuckled 2Witless Ad 2White Kuckled
W2itless Adn W2hite Kunckled qitless Amd qhite Kmuckled qWitless Amnd qWhite Wqitless Anmd Wqhite Knmuckled Wiitless Ahd Whhite Khuckled
Wtless Ahnd Wite Khnuckled Wtiless Anhd Wihte Knhuckled Wjtless Ajd Wjite Kjuckled Wjitless Ajnd Wjhite Wijtless Anjd Whjite Knjuckled
W9tless Abd Wuite Kbuckled W9itless Abnd Wuhite Kbnuckled Wi9tless Anbd Whuite Knbuckled Wltless Andd Wnite Knuuckled Wlitless An Wnhite Knckled
Wiltless And Whnite Kncukled Wotless Anx Wbite Knhckled Woitless Anxd Wbhite Wiotless Andx Whbite Knuhckled Wktless Ane Wgite Kn7ckled
Wkitless Aned Wghite Kn7uckled Wiktless Ande Whgite Knu7ckled W8tless Anf Wyite Knkckled W8itless Anfd Wyhite Knkuckled Wi8tless Andf Whyite Knukckled
Wutless Anr Whiite Knickled Wuitless Anrd Whte Kniuckled Wiutless Andr Whtie Knuickled Wittless Anc Whjte Kn8ckled Wiless Ancd Kn8uckled
Wiltess Andc Whijte Knu8ckled Wifless Ans Wh9te Knjckled Wiftless Ansd Wh9ite Witfless Ands Whi9te Knujckled Wi5less Whlte Knyckled
Wi5tless Whlite Knyuckled Wit5less Whilte Knuyckled Wihless Whote Knucckled Wihtless Whoite Knukled Withless Whiote Knukcled
Wiyless Whkte Knufkled Wiytless Whkite Knufckled Wityless Whikte Knucfkled Wi6less Wh8te Knuxkled Wi6tless Wh8ite Knuxckled
Wit6less Whi8te Knucxkled Wigless Whute Knuvkled Wigtless Knuvckled Witgless Whiute Knucvkled

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